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Home » » Mirrorman ( 1972 )

Mirrorman ( 1972 )

  • Alternative Heroes : Mirrorman
  • Host : Kyotaro Kagami
  • Height : 170 cm ~ 40 m
  • Weight : 70 kg ~ 35,000 t
  • Place of Origin : 2nd Dimension, 3rd Dimension
  • Transformation Item : The Mirror-Pendant
  • Type : Anti-Hero, Hero
  • Voice actor(s) : Ishida Nobuyuki
  • Suit actor(s) : Saijo Mitsuru, Kusumi Mamoru
  • First Appearance : Mirrorman episode 1 : Mirrorman is Born
  • Last Appearance : Mirror Fight 2012 episode 2
  • Race : Mirror Man/ human hybrid
  • Status : Alive
  • Affiliation : SGM
Body Features
  • Height : 170 cm ~ 40 m
  • Weight : 70 kg ~ 35,000 t
  • Running Speed : Able to run at the speed of light.
  • Weakness : If he stays in the Mirror World for too long he will die, which is how he father fell.
  • Home world : Earth (Mirrorman universe)
  • Family Structure:

    • Mother : Yuko
    • Father : Original Mirrorman (Though deceased his spirit still gives his son advice).
  • Silver Cross : Mirrorman's finisher, he gathers energy then places his hands at the stars on his forehead and waist, bringing them together to shoot two large arrow shaped bursts of energy, can destroy a monster in one shot
  • Mirror Kick : jumping into the air Mirrorman can charge his legs with energy to deliver a powerful kick
  • Mirror Knife : Mirrorman can fire an arrow shaped burst of energy to cut his opponent to pieces
  • Mirror Shot : Mirrorman can fire small energy beams from his fingers all at once, it is a version of the Mirror Knife used while in mid-air.
  • Mirror Slicer : V shaped bursts of energy used to cut apart the enemy
  • Defense Mirror : Mirrorman can conjure a mirror like barrier that reflect the enemy's energy attacks back at them.
  • Mirror Eyebeam : Destructive rays emitted from the eyes
  • Mirror Fire : Used in Episode 40, rays emmitted from cross hands.
  • Mirror Gluck Le : A vortex of energy that seals away the opponent.
  • Straight Flush : A series of high speed punches.
  • Cross Jump : A kick to the opponent while both are high in the air.
  • Halation Mirror : When no mirror or reflective surface is present, Mirrorman can gather light to create an artificial one to transport himself.
  • Mirror Eye : Blue rays emitted from the eyes to discover invisible objects or see across dimensions.
  • Flight : Mirrorman can fly under his own power but not when he is in the mirror world
  • Teleportation/Transformation : To transform Kyoutaro uses his father's pendant, shouts 'Mirror Spark' and faces a reflective surface such as a mirror, a body of water, plastic, crystal, etc., to which he holds up his Mirror Pendant and shouts "Mirror Spark!". He is then transported through the 2nd dimension and reappears elsewhere as Mirrorman, as Mirrorman he can also move through the Mirror World so long as there is a reflective surface.
  • Ability to turn the enemy into light : Used against Kitty Fire, Mirror can hit his enemy and turn them into light.
See also: Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra-wikia
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