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GUYS Arsenal & Weapon


GUYS (Guards for Utility Situation) :
  • The abbreviated name of Guards for UtilitY Situation. CREW GUYS are the monster attack team (Operational unit) of the series. The general headquarters is located in the office in New York and CREW GUYS is deployed in the headquarters of each country.
Base / Phoenix Nest :
  • The base of Crew Guys Japan, the base hold digital records of all the previous defense organizations. Unlike previous bases it also functions as a carrier base, through entering Flight Mode, first seen in Episode 26. The Phoenix nest can fire the dimensional dissolver METEOR to close dimensional gates and rifts semi-permanently. It was also used to destroy the Space-time wave device. At the end of the series it was badly damaged by Alien Empera.

Gun Speeder

Gun Speeder :
  • The interchangeable pods that form the cockpits of all Gun Type jets. They can be used for deep sea diving and simple flight. They are armed with beam and Phonon maser (a sound gun). Five and one extra Gun Speeder are usually store within the Phoenix nest base.

Gun Phoenix

Gun Phoenix :
  • The backbone of Guys anti-monster arsenal can seperate into two jets, Gun Winger and Gun
Gun Winger

Gun Winger :
  • The front half of Gun Phoenix, its main weaponry are the Beak Vulcan from the nose and Winglet Blasters from the wings. The METEOR powered maneuver mode allows it to use Phantom Aviation (all the jets use it) and fire Specium Missiles, which approach the power of Ultraman's beam.
Gun Loader

Gun Loader :
  • The back half of Gun Phoenix, its main weaponry are Variable Pulsar from the ship's nose, Double Gun Launcher from the horizontal stabilizer of the ship. In maneuver mode it general uses the Bringer Fans to generate tornadoes to grab and throw monsters, it also has the Ventilation Volteccer to blow away fog/ toxic gasses and Maxwell Tornado to generate a flaming tornado.
Gun Booster

Gun Booster :

Gun Phoenix Striker

Gun Phoenix Striker :
  • It is the combination between all the other planes that formed this plane.
Sea Winger

Sea Winger :

Blue Whale :

Gun Crusader:
  • The fighter jet of the old GUYS. This was the jet that Serizawa and Ryu had been on during episode 1.
Gun Crusader MX:
  • Makes its first appearance in episode 49. MX is METEOR EXPERIMENTAL. The METEOR-type Gun Crusader which was safekeeping as the spare of Gun Phoenix Striker. It was easily destroyed by Alien Empera.

Triger Shot

Triger Shot :
  • GUYS standard fire arms, it is a beam gun with a three rotating cylinders called the Triple Cylinder houses METEOR. The red chamber is the Acute Arrow, a more powerful red beam that can be combined with others. The blue chamber is the capture cube that forms a cubic barrier. The yellow chamber is the high energy fireball Buster Bred
Memory Display

Memory Display :
  • A small mobile pad, it the member certificate of GUYS. It has several uses, communications, image analysis, Maquette Monster materialization, enhance the Trigger shot and the start up system for the Gun Speeder.
  • It first appears in episode 19. If it is loaded loads with Memory Display, the display and sound which are named "METEOR OVER DRIVE" appear on the display screen. Electric activity of the brain is detected by the scanner built in helmet. The ballistic trajectory of the discharged bullet can be controlled, obstacles can also be avoided this way. Although there is a function which can attack three enemies simultaneously which is named Amazing Triple, most humans cannot yet use this attack. However, George was able to use it thanks to his skills. Professor Asami Fujisawa manufactured a beam named Region Restrictor which extinguishes the gate of a different dimension. Teppei manufactured the cartridge named Spirit Separator into which a girl's soul is made to separate from Femigon.
GUYS Tough Book :
  • It first appears in episode 24. It is a notebook PC (Panasonic Tough Book) type METEOR strengthening tool of GUYS. Capsule type media are mainly used. Maquette Monster can be grown to their full size by inserting the Maquette Capsule and Element Capsule and transferring the data of an Element Capsule to Maquette Capsule.
See also: Related Post : Source : Wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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