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Loki / Loki Laufeyson

Publication Information
  • Title : Loki
  • Publisher : Marvel Comics
  • First appearance : Historical : Venus #6 (August 1949), Modern day : Journey into Mystery No. 85 (October 1962)
  • Created by : Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Jack Kirby
  • Full name : Loki Laufeyson
  • Species : Jötunn (Frost Giant)
  • Team affiliations : Acts of Vengeance, Astonishing Avengers, Cabal, Young Avengers
  • Notable aliases : Loki Odinson, Scarlet Witch, Serrure, Ikol
  • Potrayer : Thomas William Hiddleston
  • Appeareance(s) : Thor, The Avengers, Thor : The Dark World, Thor : Ragnarok
Powers and abilities

Loki is a member of the race of Frost Giants of Jotunheim, although not a giant in stature. He possesses physical attributes equal to a fit member of his race such as enhanced strength; stamina, speed, durability, (his Frost Giant metabolism grants him superhuman levels of physical stamina in practically all activities); durability enough to harmlessly withstand high-caliber bullets; and immunity to all known diseases and toxins, as well as resistance to magic.

Loki possesses genius-level intelligence and has extensive training in magic, and possesses the ability to manipulate magical forces for a variety of purposes: energy projection, creation of force fields, temporarily increasing his own physical strength, granting superhuman abilities to living beings or inanimate objects, flight, hypnosis, illusion casting and inter-dimensional teleportation.

Loki's magical abilities have been described as equal to those of Karnilla, the most skilled sorceress of Asgard.[87][88] His illusion casting can fool cities,[89] and powerful entities such as Surtur. He has been able to break free of Celestial technology in the possession of Apocalypse.

Loki possesses extrasensory abilities and is capable of astral projection and casting his thoughts across great distances—even across dimensional barriers, like that between Asgard and Earth—even if he is unable to move. He cannot read the minds of other beings, although he can influence their actions, and once briefly hypnotized Thor, as well as controlling a flock of birds. However he could not coerce Thor to give him Mjolnir. If someone has evil thoughts, Loki can influence their actions even if he is in Asgard and the subject is on Earth, and he can influence other events to a degree, such as driving a missile from its path, or redirecting a radio signal.

Loki is an adept shapeshifter and can change into animals (examples include transmogrification to a salmon, horse, etc.) or impersonate other people, such as Thor or Captain America. However, he does not necessarily gain the abilities of whatever he turns into, although minor natural abilities such as flight in bird form tend to work. Loki may mimic the abilities of some supernatural beings if he turn into such creatures. He has also turned clouds into dragons, and animated trees to attack Thor. After his rebirth, his shapeshifting abilities are more limited. He explains to Lorelei that, "I can turn into anything, as long as it's me," which he demonstrates by transforming into female Loki and a lupine form.

Loki imbued himself with magical abilities that enable him to withstand injuries that would prove fatal to another Asgardian, such as being beheaded by Balder. He has also been shown to be immune to the Controller's control disk, the mental influence of the Voice, and the power-sapping abilities of Rogue. Loki crafted a method of cheating death. He will be reincarnated upon any "death" of his body now that he has arranged with the incarnations of death that his name be erased from the books of Hel.

Loki possesses a brilliant intellect, with some knowledge of technology, as when he created a machine to amplify Iceman's powers, and attaching devices to the Twilight sword to tap into its powers. He is an expert manipulator and schemer, frequently using pawns in his plans. He is sometimes armed with a sword, a whip, or a three-pronged spear and has used magical items (such as the Norn Stones to enhance his powers. Abilities:
  • Superhuman intelligence
  • strength
  • durablilty and longevity
Via magical powers:
  • Astral projection
  • Energy blasts
  • Flight
  • Illusion casting
  • Inter-dimensional teleportation
  • Shapeshifting
  • Telepathy
See also: Related Post : Source : wikipedia
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