Publication Information
- Choju : Tyrant
- Japanese : タイラント
- Known As : Tyrant Monster
- Gender : Male
- Related :
- HomeWorld : Neptune
- Season : Ultraman Taro
- First Appearance : Ultraman Taro : Episode 40
Tyrant is a chimera-like kaiju, created from the spirits of the Ultra Brother's fallen foes that debuted in Ultraman Taro. He came to Earth to challenge Taro after defeating the other Ultra Brothers, where he was quickly defeated by the young Ultra Crusader.

- Tyrant
- Height : 62 m
- Weight : 57,000 t
- Origin : Space
- Attack : 1400
- Defense : 600
- Speed : 700
- This is Tyrant first form, gained when the vengeful spirit of many kaiju fuse. Tyrant is a very powerful kaiju, capable of defeating Ultras with ease.
Ultraman Taro
- Super Strength : Tyrant is tremendously strong, capable of overpowering most of the Ultra brothers.
- Armored Body : Tyrant is shown to be highly durable. capable of withstanding powerful blows from Ultras and enduring Cinerama Shots and Metallium Rays.
- Flames : Tyrant can breathe a stream of flames from his mouth. Unlike most flames, these are very powerful, capable of bringing down even Ultras and creating large explosions
- Poison Gas: When needed, given to him by the body of Bemstar's torso, Tyrant can release a blast of quick downing white gas. This gas can stop strong beings like Ultraseven with one spray. In the Ultraman Fighting Evolution 2, 3, & Rebirth Tyrant was given a freezing gas instead.
- Right Ax Hand : In place of a normal right hand, Tyrant's right arm/hand is that of Barabas, ending with a massive axe to batter foes.
- Left Mace Hand : In place of a normal left hand, Tyrant's left arm is that of Barabas, ending in a spiked ball to batter foes
- Grappling Hook : Tyrant's mace hand has a grappling hook that can be launched at his foes to ensnare his foes. This ability is taken from Barabas.
- Ultra Sign Eraser Beam : Tyrant can emit and then fire small, arrow-shaped shots from his left hand to erase Ultra Signs.
- Whip Tail : Tyrant can use his tail as if a whip to batter foes.
- Horn : Tyrant’s horn can be used to batter enemies like a club.
- Flight: Tyrant is able to fly through the vacuum of space fast enough to go from Neptune all the way to Earth in just a few hours.
- Energy Beam Absorption Gorge : Tyrant can absorbing almost any type of energy attack through his stomach region such as Gomora’s Super Oscillatory Wave.
- Energy Ear Needle Darts : Tyrant can fire a barrage of powerful, missile-strength, purple energy dart-like needle shots from his ears. Since this Tyrant is a Battle Nizer monster of Grande, this function may be only essential to him. However, this ability was originally displayed by one of Tyrant's components, Alien Icarus, since his ear was contributed to his creation.
Tyrant Saga Edition

- Tyrant Saga Edition
- Height : 62 m
- Weight : 57,000 t
- Origin : Hyper Zetton
EX Tyrant

- EX Tyrant
- Height : 69 m
- Weight :
- Origin : Alien Mefilas' lab
- EX Tyrant or alternatively known as Remodeled Tyrant, Tyrant retains most of his chimera-like body parts of separate kaiju. However his body is more centaurian-like and he is twice the size of an actual Ultraman. His legs in this mode are both Red King's and Gomora's legs separate as a whole to make up his centuarian body and he is given Geronimon's head feathers as a head piece.
- His left-handed Mace hand is now chain-linked that can be retracted and used as a ball-and-chain weapon (instead of the original, where it was a hook attached to a mace that can be fired like a harpoon. EX Tyrant can launch both his mace and hook at the same time (still clumped together) or individually launch the hook). His right-handed Axe hand is also nearly quadrupled in size, almost matching EX Tyrant's own height.
- Freezing Gas : EX Tyrant can fire a freezing gas from Bemstar's gorge.
- Enhanced Flames : EX Tyrant can fire a flames from his mouth.
- Mace Throw : Given to him by Barabas, EX Tyrant's mace hand has a mace on front. EX Tyrant can fire out the mace from his hand and when launched at foes and objects alike, can be used to ensnare and then coil around enemies throat or body part. This ability is taken from Barabas.
- Meteorite : By using Barabas's mace/hand, EX Tyrant can pull down a huge meteorite. This attack is highly destructive and can take down the strongest of opponents.
- Drag-and-Slam : EX Tyrant can wrap his hook around an opponent's arm and drag him around while running in a ring-like pattern. EX Tyrant will then slam the opponent on the ground.
- Ears : Alien Icarus
- Hair : Geronimon
- Face : Seagoras
- Torso : Bemstar
- Horns : Black King (Back Of Head) & Seagoras : Nasal
- Arms : Barabas
- Tail : King Crab & Mukadender
- Front legs : Red King
- Rear legs : Gomora

EX Tyrant II (Deathborn)

- EX Tyrant II (Deathborn)
- Gained when the vengeful spirit of EX Tyrant refused to be defeated, Tyrant's body is modelled after his original appearance but now he is a giant skeleton of his former self.
- EX Tyrant (Deathborn) aka. Remodeled Tyrant II will keep reviving himself until he gets exposed to direct sunlight.
- Same as EX Tyrant, he was defeated by Ultraman Taro, after the two see the sun. Only appears in Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth.
- Strangely enough, He keeps the gigantic-sized mace and ax hands that he has as his first EX Tyrant form.
- Powers and Weapons:
- Enhanced Freezing Gas : EX Tyrant II can fire a more powerful freezing gas from Bemstar's gorge. It has the potential for permanent freeze.
- Purple Flames : Ex Tyrant II can fire powerful purple flames from his mouth. These can severely damage enemies in one hit.
- Revive : EX Tyrant II will keep reviving no matter how much enemies kill him. To disable it EX Tyrant must be in sunlight.
- Ghostly Dead Attack : EX Tyrant II can spout out deceased kaiju's souls. They will attack enemies until his foe(s) is disintegrated. After that they'll go back to EX Tyrant II's body.
- Body Parts:
- He doesn't change. It's only the skeleton form of the original Tyrant.

Tyrant Armor

- Tyrant Armor
- Tyrant Armor is a MonsArmor accessed by Cyber Tyrant's card. This form only appears in the stageshow Ultraman Festival 2015, where it was stolen from Xio by Babarue to empower the real Tyrant with negative energies. Since this suit existed, its appearance in the series is yet to be made.
- Powers and Weapons:
- Arm Shield : Alien Babarue gains this arm shield, though its exact power other than just being a mere weapon of defense is unknown.

Cyber Tyrant

- Cyber Tyrant
- Height : 62 m
- Weight : 57,000 t
- Origin : XIO Headquarters
- Cyber Power : 21/25
- Powers and Weapons:
- Right Ax Hand : In place of a normal right hand, Tyrant's right arm/hand is that of Barabas, ending with a massive axe to batter foes.
- Left Mace Hand : In place of a normal left hand, Tyrant's left arm is that of Barabas, ending in a spiked ball to batter foes

Tyrant Sparkdoll

- Tyrant Spark Doll
- Height : 14 cm
- Weight : 150 g
- Tyrant became a Spark Doll in the conclusion of the Dark Spark War due to the Dark Spark's powers. His Spark Doll was kept in Dark Lugiel's collection, and given to Alien Nackle to give to evil-hearted humans and seed chaos. After Dark Lugiel's defeat, Tyrant Spark Doll is likely to have reverted back into its original form and departed Earth to return home.