The Gosei Cards allow the Goseigers to perform Tensou Techniques. All of the Gosei Cards, when placed in the Tensouder, are activated with the activation call "Tensou!" These cards are routinely used for various purposeses by the Goseigers and Gosei Knight during Tensou Sentai Goseiger.
It comes in various types: Mecha, Battle, and Henshin. Each card holds a different power and these cards are very helpful.
Once the card is placed in the Tensouder or the Knight Power Releasement Vessel Leon Cellular, it will activate the effect of the card like: summoning their weapons, use for different attacks, summoning their mecha, and transforming to the Goseigers and Gosei Knight. The Gosei Cards also appeared during their transformation and the show's eyecatch.
Publication Information
- Device : Gosei Cards
- Japanese : ゴセイカード
- Type : Cards
- System :
- Usage : Transformation & Combat Support
- Users : Goseigers
- Season : Tensou Sentai Goseiger
Change Cards
Initiates the transformation from Gosei Angel to Goseiger. There is a Change Card for each Goseiger. The Change label can be seen on the back of the card.

- Gosei Red Change Cards
- Gosei Pink Change Cards
- Gosei Black Change Cards
- Gosei Yellow Change Cards
- Gosei Blue Change Cards
- Gosei Green Change Cards
Summons either the Gosei Headders, Gosei Weapons, Gosei Machines, Gosei Wonder or Gosei Ultimate. There is a Summon Card for each Gosei Weapon, Gosei Headder, Gosei Machine, and Brother set (there is one Seaick Brother Summon Card for Gosei Blue and two Landick and Skick Brother Summon Cards each for the Landick and Skick Goseigers respectively). The Summon label can be seen on the back of the card.

- Skick Sword Card
- Skick Shot Card
- Landic Axe Card
- Landick Claw Card
- Seaick Bowgun Card
- Phoenix Header Card
- Snake Header Card
- Tiger Header Card
- Shark header Card
- Gosei Dragon Card
- Gosei Phoenix Card
- Gosei Snake Card
- Gosei Tiger Card
- Gosei Shark Card
- Seaick Brother Card
- Landick Brother card
- Skick Brother Card
- Mystic Brother Card
- Hyper Change Card
- Exotic Brother Card
Gosei Dynamic

Gosei Dynamic : Activates the Gosei Dynamic attack when used with the Gosei Buster. Each Goseiger has his or her own Gosei Dynamic Card.
- Land-Sea Dynamic : Activates the Land-Sea Dynamic attack when used with the Land-Sea Buster. Gosei Black, Yellow, and Blue have his or her own Land-Sea Dynamic Card.
- Sky Dynamic : Activates the Sky Dynamic attack when used with the Sky Buster or the Red Dynamic when used with the Skick Sword. Gosei Red and Pink have his or her own Sky Dynamic Card.
- Gosei Dynamic Red Card
- Gosei Dynamic Pink Card
- Gosei Dynamic Black Card
- Gosei Dynamic Yellow Card
- Gosei Dynamic Blue Card

Combine : Combines the Gosei Machines into Gosei Great (there are five Gosei Great Combine Cards).
- Gosei Great Card : 5pcs

Victory Charge : Initiates Gosei Giant final attacks. There is a Victory Charge Card for each Gosei Machine combination, except for the Exotic, Mystic Gosei Greats.
- Victory Charge Card for Gosei Great (5pcs)
- Victory Charge Card for Seaick (1pc)
- Victory Charge Card for Landick (2pcs)
- Victory Charge Card for Skick (2pcs)
- Victory Charge Card for Hyper Gosei Great
- Victory Charge" Card for Gosei Ground (1pc)
- Victory Charge" Card for Ground Gosei Great (1pc)

Dual Combin : Combines Gosei Great, Datas Hyper, the Skick Brothers, Landick Brothers and Seaick Brothers into Hyper Gosei Great (there are five Hyper Gosei Great Combine Cards) or Gosei Great and Gosei Ground into Ground Gosei Great (there are six Ground Gosei Great Combine Cards).
- Hyper Gosei Great Card
- Ground Gosei Great Card

- Wonder Power : Summons Gosei Wonder (there are five Wonder Power Cards). Wonder Combine : Combines Gosei Wonder and the Gosei Machines into Wonder Gosei Great (there are five Wonder Gosei Great Combine Cards).
- Wonder Charge : Initiates Wonder Gosei Great's final attack (there are five Wonder Charge Cards).
- Gosei Wonder Card
- Wonder Gosei Great Card
- Wonder Charge Card

Miracle Gosei Power : A Summon card that initiates the transformation to Super Goseiger. There is a Miracle Gosei Power Card for each Goseiger.
- Red Miracle Gosei Power Card
- GoseiPink Miracle Power card
- GoseiBlack Miracle Power card
- GoseiYellow Miracle Power card
- GoseiBlue Miracle Power card

Super Change : A Change card that initiates the transformation from Gosei Angel to Super Goseiger. Unlike the other Gosei Cards, the activation call for this card is "Super Tensou!". This card has only been used once by Gosei Black. In Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku, a version of this card allows the Shinkengers (except Shinken Red) to become Super Shinkengers without the Inromaru.
- Gosei Black Super Change Card
- Shinken Gold Super Change Card
- Shinken Blue Super Change Card
- Shinken Pink Super Change Card
- Shinken Green Super Change Card
- Shinken Yellow Super Change Card

Miracle Gosei Dynamic : Activates the Miracle Gosei Dynamic attack when used with the Super Tensword. Each Super Goseiger has his or her own Miracle Gosei Dynamic Card.
- Red Miracle Gosei Dynamic Card
- Pink Miracle Gosei Dynamic Card
- Black Miracle Gosei Dynamic Card
- Yellow Miracle Gosei Dynamic Card
- Blue Miracle Gosei Dynamic Card

- Ultimate Charge : Initiates Gosei Ultimate's final attack (there are five Ultimate Charge Cards).
- Ultimate Power : Summons Gosei Ultimate (there are five Ultimate Power Cards).
- Ultimate Combine : Combines Gosei Great and Gosei Ultimate into Ultimate Gosei Great.
- Gosei Ultimate Card
- Ultimate Charge Card

- Kaentornado : Exclusive to Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku. Explosion Card that engulfs the user in fire. Miracle Combine : Exclusive to Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku. Combines Gosei Great, Datas Hyper, Skick Brothers, Seaick Brothers, Landick Brothers, Knight Brothers, the Groundion Headder into Ground Hyper Gosei Great.
- Kaentornado Card
- Ground Hyper Gosei Great Card
- Red Victory Charge Card for Ground Hyper Gosei Great
- Blue Victory Charge Card for Ground Hyper Gosei Great
- Pink Victory Charge Card for Ground Hyper Gosei Great
- Green Victory Charge Card for Ground Hyper Gosei Great
- Yellow Victory Charge Card for Ground Hyper Gosei Great
- Gold Victory Charge Card for Ground Hyper Gosei Great
- Outbreak : Enhancement card.
- Splash : Elemental card.
- Expand : Spell card.
- Explosion : Elemental attack card.
- Focus : Perception-affecting card.
- Spark : Thunder element card.

There are two of each Skick Power Gosei Card each for Gosei Red and Gosei Pink.
- Invisibreeze : Outbreak Card that turns the user into a whirlwind to move without being detected.
- Windrive : Splash Card that allows the user to bring another object or person to him or her with a whirlwind.
- Twistornado : Explosion Card that summons a large transparent whirlwind.
- Comprethunder : Spark Card that summons a storm cloud that launches lightning bolts.
- Defenstorm : Expand Card that summons a wall of wind.
- Memoryfly : Expand Card that erases parts of the memory of the target(s) so humans are not aware of the Gosei Angels' existence and any nightmarish experience.
- Reflecloud : A special Card which allows the user to create a magical vortex that absorbs and reflects any beam attack. Given to Kamen Rider Decade by Gosei Red to counter Kani Lazer's attack. The Gosei Card just happened to be compatible with Decade's Decadriver. First used in Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen.
- Invisibreeze Card
- Windrive Card
- Twistornado Card
- Comprethunder Card
- Defenstorm Card
- Memoryfly Card
- Reflecloud Card

There are two of each Landick Power Gosei Card each for Gosei Black and Gosei Yellow.
- Rockrush : Explosion Card that lifts up giant rocks from the ground.
- Roplant : Outbreak Card that produces an ivy from the ground that ensnares a target.
- Sparquake : Spark Card that produces electricity from vibrations in the ground.
- Defenstone : Expand Card that summons a wall of stones.
- Memorybury : Expand Card that erases parts of the memory of the target(s) so humans are not aware of the Gosei Angels' existence and any nightmarish experience.
- Reflequartz : A special Card which allows the user to create a magical quartz that absorbs and reflects any beam attack. Given to Kamen Rider Ryuki by Gosei Black to counter Kani Lazer's attack. The Gosei Card just happened to be compatible with Ryuki's Drag Visor. First used in Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen.

There is one of each Seaick Power Gosei Card for Gosei Blue.
- Presshower : Splash Card that summons several jets of water from the ground.
- Memorywash : Expand Card that erases parts of the memory of the target(s) so humans are not aware of the Gosei Angels' existence and any nightmarish experience.
- Waterlens : Focus Card that clears any interference, interstellar or otherwise.
- Camoumirage : Outbreak Card that allows the user to assume a disguise.
- Defenstream : Expand Card that summons a wall of water.
- Istop : Splash Card that blasts out a cone of frost that freezes anything in its path.
- Refleclear : A special Card which allows the user to create a magical mist that absorbs and reflects any beam attack. Given to Kamen Rider Blade by Gosei Blue to counter Kani Lazer's attack. The Gosei Card just happened to be compatible with Blade's Blay Rouzer. First used in Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen.
- Memorywash Card
- Presshower Card
- Waterlens Card
- Camoumirage Card
- Defenstream Card
- Refleclea Card
- Istop Card

Unlike the Goseigers, Gosei Knight uses the numbers on his Leon Cellular to activate his Tensou Techniques in addition to Gosei Cards.
- Change
- Code 717 initiates the transformation from Gosei Knight to the Groundion Headder.
- Code 535 initiates the transformation from the Groundion Headder to Gosei Knight.
- Summon
- Code 848 summons the Vulcan Headder.
- Code 262 summons the Knight Brothers.
- Knight Dynamic : Code 474 activates the Knight Dynamic attack when used with the Dynamic Leon Laser.
- Combine : Code 353 initiates the combination of Groundion and the Knight Brothers into Gosei Ground.
- Victory Charge : Code 919 initiates Gosei Ground's finishing attack, as well as the finishing attack of Ground Gosei Great.
- Dual Combine : Code 525 initiates the combination of Gosei Great and Gosei Ground into Ground Gosei Great.
- Explosion : Code 202 activates all Explosion Cards.
- Rockrush
- Twistornado
- Spark : Code 303 activates all Spark Cards.
- Comprethunder
- Splash : Code 404 activates all Splash Cards.
- Presshower
- Istop
- Freezedrive : Splash Card that blasts out a cone of frost with a whirlwind that freezedries anything in its path.
- Focus : Code 505 activates all Focus Cards.
- Trianglobal : Focus Card that merges the energies of the Skick, Landick, and Seaick Powers. It's effects can be duplicated through the simultaneous use of the Twistornado, Sparquake, and Presshower cards.
- Outbreak : Code 606 activates all Outbreak Cards.
- Roplant
- Expand : Code 707 activates all Expand Cards.
- Denfenstorm
- Defenstream
- Groundion Card
- Gosei Knight Card
- Vulcan Headder Card
- Knight Dynamic Card
- Knight Brother Card
- Gosei Ground Card
- Ground Gosei Great Card
- Trianglobal Card
- Freezedrive Card

In the last of the three Super Sentai Hero Getter ending sequences of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger (Gaoranger-Goseiger), after handing Shinken Blue his Secret Playback Katana Shinkenmaru back in exchange for his Gokai Sabre, Joe Gibken becomes a Gosei Card as the Goseigers and Gosei Knight activate their Tensouders and Leon Cellular.
- Joe Card
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Related Post : Source : wikipedia / powerrangers.wikia