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Kamen Rider Specter

Specter's forms are called Damashii, accessed using the Ghost Eyecons. He also bears a headpiece called the Persona, which gives off a glow effect with the rest of his body. The Persona changes with Specter's numerous Damashii forms, as well as serving as a prefix title for all of the Damashii forms' helms.

Differentiating himself from Kamen Rider Ghost, Specter normally bears a pair of Wisp Horns on his head in most of his Damashii forms, allowing him to use them either for perceiving and sensing Gamma within a 8 km radius or as a weapon. When transforming into Houdini Damashii, the Wisp Horns are upgraded into the Striker Horns, which upgrades its sensory range with an additional 4 km. to a total of 12 km. of range.

When transforming into Deep Specter, the Wisp Horns are upgraded into the Chaos Wisp Horns. While they don't offer an expansion to the sensory abilities, it appears the Chaos Wisp Horns are capable of releasing the pent up energy within Deep Specter as a form of plasma, which can be weaponized as a form of attack. By pulling and pushing the Ghost Driver's lever a second time after transforming, Specter can activate an Omega Drive finishing attack tied to the Ghost Eyecon currently being used. If he pulls and pushes the lever four times, he can instead execute an Oomedama "Giant eyeball" special attack.

Publication Information

Kamen Rider Specter

Specter Transient

Specter Transient
  • Specter Transient

    • Transient form is the default pre-form armor of Kamen Rider Specter Like most pre-forms in the Kamen Rider Series, it is weaker than all of the other forms and exists solely as a transition stage of the armor to any given Damashii form.
Specter Damashii

Specter Damashii
  • Damashii : Specter Damashii
    • Announcement : Kaigan : Specter! Ready, Go! Kakugo! Doki Doki Ghost!
    • Height : 202.5 cm.
    • Weight : 96.5 kg.
    • Punching power : 6.0 t.
    • Kicking power : 10.5 t.
    • Maximum jump height : 43 m
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 5.6 sec.
    • Senses :
    • Defense :
    • Finisher : Omega Drive Specter, Omega Smash, Omega Fang
    • Armed :
    • Appearances : Ghost Episodes 4-7, Super Movie War Genesis, Ikkyu Eyecon Contention!, Ghost 9-11, Ikkyu Intimacy!, Ghost 12-17, 20, Legendary! Riders' Souls! (Drive, W, Fourze, OOO, Wizard, Last: 1 & Heisei), Kamen Rider 1, Ghost 22, 23, 28, The Legend of Hero Alain, Ghost 29-31, 33, 36, 41, The 100 Eyecons and Ghost's Fateful Moment, Ghost 50, Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider, Ghost RE:BIRTH: Specter
  • Specter Damashii is Specter's default blue form. Accessed through the Specter Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Berserk helmet with the Face Berserk faceplate. This form debuts in episode 4. While assuming Specter Damashii, Specter dons the Berserk Reflector. This Damashii has three finishing attacks.

Nobunaga Damashii

Nobunaga Damashii
  • Damashii : Nobunaga Damashii
    • Announcement : Kaigan : Nobunaga! (Gunshot) Ware no ikizama! Okehazama! (Soldiers cheering)
    • Height : 214.0 cm.
    • Weight : 99.5 kg.
    • Punching power : 6.1 t.
    • Kicking power : 10.8 t.
    • Maximum jump height : 42.5 m.
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 5.8 sec.
    • Senses :
    • Defense :
    • Finisher : Omega Drive Nobunaga, Omega Spark
    • Armed : Gan Gun Hand's Rifle Mode
    • Appearances : Appearances: Ghost Episodes 5, 7, 8, Super Movie War Genesis, Ikkyu Eyecon Contention!, Ghost 10, 11, Ikkyu Intimacy!, Ghost 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 28, 31, 36, Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider
  • Nobunaga Damashii ("Nobunaga Soul") is Specter's violet and gold daimyo-based form themed after Oda Nobunaga, the 16th century Japanese warlord who ruled over a majority of Japan through brutal conquest and mastery of the rifle which led to the unification of the country after his death and the end of the chaotic Sengoku period. Accessed through the Nobunaga Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Warlord helmet with the Face Dual Arquebus faceplate. This form debuts in episode 5. While assuming Nobunaga Damashii, Specter dons the Tenma Hood adorned with the Hinawa Fire Head where he is able to utilize his Gan Gun Hand in its Rifle Mode for long range shooting attacks. This form has two finishers.

Tutankhamun Damashii

Tutankhamun Damashii
  • Damashii : Specter Tutankhamun Damashii
    • Announcement : Kaigan : Tutankhamun! (Energy loading) Pyramid wa sankaku! Ōke no shikaku~!
    • Height : 202.5 cm
    • .
    • Weight : 97.5 kg.
    • Punching power : 5.9 t.
    • Kicking power : 10.6 t.
    • Maximum jump height : 43.5 m.
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 4.4 sec.
    • Senses :
    • Defense :
    • Finisher : Omega Fang
    • Armed : Gan Gun Hand's Sickle Mode
    • Appearances : Ghost Episodes 5, 8, Ikkyu Eyecon Contention!, Ghost 9-11, 14-16, 22, 36, Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Rider
  • Tutankhamun Damashii (Tutankhamun Soul) is Specter's turquoise and gold pharaoh-based form themed after Tutankhamun aka King Tut, one of the rulers of Ancient Egypt during its 18th dynasty and the most famous due to his many treasures on display in museums around the world as well as the infamous "Curse of the Pharaohs" associated with him. Accessed through the Tutankhamun Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Pharaoh helmet with the Face Dual Scythe faceplate. This form debuts in episode 5.
  • While assuming Tutankhamun Damashii, Specter dons the Nemes Hood adorned with the Sun Amun Light where he is able to combine the Cobra Keitai Ghost Gadget with his Gan Gan Hand to create its Sickle Mode for him to use close range slashing attacks. This form's finisher is the Omega Fang : Using the Gan Gun Hand in Sickle Mode, Specter creates a large projection of the Eye of Providence behind the enemy before striking them with an energized slash from his weapon that knocks said enemy into the projection. Afterwards, he pulls the trigger to cause the Eye of Providence to disintegrate and ultimately destroy the enemy trapped within. A variation of this finisher is an energy slash.

Other Damashii

These Damashii involve Ghost Eyecons that are normally used by a different Kamen Rider.

Edison Damashii

Edison Damashii
  • Damashii : Edison Damashii
    • Announcement : Kaigan : Edison! (Electrical voltage crackle) Ereki! Hirameki! Hatsumei-ō~!
    • Height : 207 cm.
    • Weight : 100.5 kg.
    • Punching power : 5.7 t.
    • Kicking power : 10.3 t.
    • Maximum jump height : 42 m.
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 6.0 sec.
    • Defense :
    • Finisher :
    • Armed :
    • Appearances : Ghost Episodes 6, 20
  • Edison Damashii (Edison Soul) is Specter's yellow electricity-based form themed after Thomas Edison, the famed American inventor whose most notable and remembered contribution to history was his creation of the first commercially successful electric lightbulb. Accessed through the Edison Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Inventor helmet with the Face Light-bulb faceplate. This form debuts in episode 6.
  • While assuming Edison Damashii, Specter dons the Sparking Hood adorned with the Filament Shaft where he is able to conduct electricity and use it to charge up his Gan Gun Hand for electricity-based attacks, as well as "spark" some thought into Specter whenever the Sparking Hood receives electrical stimuli. Edison Damashii is normally used by Kamen Rider Ghost, but its Eyecon was stolen from him after Specter defeated him by using Nobunaga Damashii's Omega Spark to knock Takeru out of his transformation. It later returned to Takeru during the fight against Jabel

Necrom Specter

Necrom Specter
  • Necrom Specter
    • Announcement : Kaigan : Necrom! Here we go! Kakugo! Nottori Ghost!
    • Height : 204.0 cm
    • .
    • Weight : 98.5 kg.
    • Punching power : 8.7 t.
    • Kicking power : 12.9 t.
    • Maximum jump height : 44.0 m.
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 5.0 sec.
    • Defense :
    • Finisher : Omega Drive Necrom, Omega Spark
    • Armed :
    • Appearances : Ghost Episodes 17-20, The Legend of Hero Alain
  • When Alain inserts the Necrom Ghost Eyecon into Specter's Ghost Driver, it transforms him into Necrom Specter, bearing the Necrom Damashii (Necrom Soul), which turns Specter into Alain's puppet, obeying Alain's orders. At the cost of his free will, Specter's power is heightened beyond what his normal forms can offer.
  • Unlike all of his basic forms, Specter's Wisp Horns was replaced with Necrom's Sweep Horn. This was purposely made as an antenna for Alain to control him via the Mega Ulorder. Compared to Necrom himself in a similar Damashii, Specter suffers no setbacks from the long time use of this form, since the Breast Crest on his Transient suit converts his willpower into his Rider form's power source. Like the Specter Damashii, he retains his superhuman speed
  • The Necrom Ghost Eyecon is normally used by Kamen Rider Necrom to transform into his default form. This form is currently not used anymore, thanks to Takeru, Kanon and Specter's three main Ghost Eyecons helping him out of Alain's brainwashing by forcefully removing the Necrom Ghost Eyecon from his Ghost Driver.
Cash Pig Offer

Super Damashii

Houdini Damashii

Houdini Damashii
  • Houdini Damashii
    • Announcement : Kaigan : Houdini! (Drum roll, cymbal flourish) Maji ījan! Sugē Magician!
    • Height : 205 cm.
    • Weight : 312.5 kg.
    • Punching power : 8.7 t.
    • Kicking power : 12.8 t.
    • Maximum jump height : 43.2 m.
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 5.5 sec.
    • Defense :
    • Finisher : Omega Drive Houdini
    • Armed : Machine Hoodie in Glider Mode
    • Appearances : Ghost Episodes 15, 16, 23, The 100 Eyecons and Ghost's Fateful Moment
  • Houdini Damashii is Specter's indigo flying-based form themed after Harry Houdini, the early 20th century master magician and escape artist. What is somewhat lesser known about Houdini is that the man was also a debunker of the supernatural. Accessed through the Houdini Ghost Eyecon, this form bears the Persona Illusionist helmet with the Face Restraint faceplate.
  • While assuming Houdini Damashii, Specter fuses himself with his Machine Hoodie to don the Psychic Hunter Hood where he gains the power of flight by using the wheels of the bike as jet turbines and the body of it as wings, thanks to the Lazuli Avionics helm attached to the Psychic Hunter Hood that helps control flight. He also has the ability to teleport instantly, catching any opponents into surprise.
  • In this form, Specter gains a huge boost of power, making him almost equal to Ghost Toucon Boost Damashii. Despite his agility doesn't get a huge improvement, Specter can boost this up by using the Machine Hoodie in his back, gaining avery good flying capabilities. He also can use the bike in its Gilder Mode for fast evading. This form's finisher is the Omega Drive (Houdini), where Specter allows the Machine Hoodie in Glider Mode to bind the enemy with chains it generates from its turbines, then jumps towards the bound enemy with a drill kick.
Sayuxs Sentai Discovery

Deep Damashii

Deep Damashii
  • Main Article : Deep Damashii
    • When Specter transforms into Deep versions of either his old forms (Nobunaga) or any of Takeru's, he bears twin Wisp Horns on his head.
Ultimate Riders Review

Sin Specter

Sin Specter
  • Sin Specter
    • Announcement : Shin Kaigan : Sin Specter! Pride! Greed! Lust! Wrath! Envy! Gluttony! Sloth! Break Deadly Sin!
    • Height :
    • Weight :
    • Punching Power :
    • Kicking Power :
    • Maximum Jump Height :
    • Maximum Running Speed :
    • Senses :
    • Defense :
    • Finisher :
    • Envy Slap
    • Greed Slash
    • Sloth Brave
    • Pride Fist
    • Gluttony Bite
    • Lust Bullet
    • Wrath Flame
  • Armed :
  • Appearances : Kamen Rider Ghost RE : BIRTH : Kamen Rider Specter
  • Sin Specter is Specter's second evolved form, accessed via the Sin Specter Ghost Eyecon. It is comparable to Ghost's Mugen Damashii. This form bears an unknown helmet and an unknown faceplate.
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