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Kryptonite is a radioactive mineral from the planet Krypton. Following its destruction, some Kryptonite found its way to the planet Earth.

Kryptonite is normally green and Kryptonians exposed to the element will become weak within close proximity or pierced by weapons laced or made from the substance, and prolonged exposure to the element for Kryptonians is fatal. Kryptonite's effects are radioactive in nature and therefore cannot penetrate the element lead. The radiation of the mineral can be harnessed and used independent of the mineral itself to harm a Kryptonian, usually appearing in the form of artificial light emitted from certain machinery. Alex taught Kara to fight in a room lined with low-intensity Kryptonite emitters, just enough to be brought down to normal strength. Alex Danvers utilized a sword made from Kryptonite, and it was ultimately used to kill Astra.

Publication Information

Physical signs of being affected by Kryptonite are somewhat fever-like, including nausea, weakness, dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, pain, and loss of consciousness. Physical contact with Kryptonite of higher intensity is enough to cause burning pain. It has even been used as anesthesia or a sedative against Kryptonians due to its affects. Kryptonite inside the body causes green glowing veins to protrude from the skin of the Kryptonian and the physical pain it causes becomes unbearable at that point.

Blue Kryptonite

Blue Kryptonite

The blue, molecular opposite of green kryptonite and was created by the D.E.O. by reversing the ionic charge of green kryptonite. It was used to subdue Bizarro. While it had no effect on Kryptonians, it severely weakened Bizarro and sedated her, allowing her to be captured and then put in a coma. It also seemed to have a calming effect on her, removing her rage toward Supergirl, causing her to accept the need to put her in a coma and ask for forgiveness for her actions. Therefore, it effectively made her more rational and understanding towards others, something she struggled with before

Red Kryptonite

Red Kryptonite

Maxwell Lord created a synthetic red form in hopes of subduing Non's next attack. Rather than weaken Kryptonians physically, Red Kryptonite alters their minds by weakening and gradually destroying their inhibitions, as well as bringing out every negative thought to the surface. They can even feel its effects long after they have left its presence. As this happens, red, glowing veins momentarily protrude from the skin when they first come near it and in times when the victim's actions and thoughts are most affected by the Red Kryptonite. Symptoms of Red Kryptonite infection first start as the Kryptonian becoming more abrasive and immature in personality and actions as their mental and emotional restraint is lessened.

Eventually, the Kryptonian will be left without morality, patience, rationality or any cares, whatsoever. They can even develop narcissistic tendencies and arrogance that results in an inferiority complex. After having expressed their negative personality traits fully, the Kryptonian will become malevolent and prone to hostility and aggression, leaving them a danger to everyone around them. However, Maxwell also developed a cure for it in the form of a red energy beam gun that neutralized the Red Kryptonite at a targeted victim and knocked them out, as the Red Kryptonite left the body in the form of red gas.

Silver Kryptonite

Silver Kryptonite

A silver colored form of Kryptonite that was found and used by Queen Rhea from the vast quantities of Kryptonite that rained down on planet Daxam. This kryptonite will cause a Kryptonian to fall in a deep and frightful hallucination where nothing from the outside world will stir them out of it until it leaves their system. When Superman confronted Rhea, she poisoned him with it and he was convinced that Supergirl was actually his greatest enemy Zod who had come back to destroy everything he loved. Unlike green kryptonite, silver kryptonite will not weaken or dampen a Kryptonian's powers at all. When in vast quantities, it will reveal itself as glowing silver veins on the Kryptonian's skin.

Synthetic Kryptonite

Synthetic Kryptonite

Due to J'onn J'onzz gave all of the D.E.O.'s remaining green kryptonite to Clark Kent to keep it hidden or to destroy it preventing Cadmus from further using green kryptonite against Clark and Kara Danvers; Cadmus was forced to create their own synthetic version of kryptonite, although this synthetic kryptonite has the same effects of as green kryptonite as well as serving as the source of Metallo's powers; it was proven to be too unstable, as it eventually exploded, killing Metallo in the process.

Green Kryptonite

Green Kryptonite

Green Kryptonite was used by the members of the D.E.O., who utilize it against those that hail from the planet Krypton. They utilize it in the form of restraints and certain weapons, such as blades, darts and bullets. Prison cells designed for Green Kryptonians, as well as training rooms, have kryptonite lights that can be lowered to simply depower a Green Kryptonian, while higher levels can incapacitate, cripple, and nearly kill them. However, after it was discovered that the D.E.O. had a spy from Project Cadmus who stole the Green Kryptonite from their organization; J'onn J'onzz gave all of the D.E.O.'s remaining green kryptonite to Clark Kent. Whether he destroyed it or kept it hidden is unknown, but based on Kara's comment about how Cadmus still had Kryptonite even though all known kryptonite was with Clark, it was assumed he kept it in the event another Kryptonian posed a threat to earth. However, it was later discovered that the kryptonite Cadmus used, was with in fact synthetic kryptonite.

Known users
  • Maxwell Lord : Max created Red Kryptonite in hopes of stopping Non's army. Unfortunately, Kara inadvertently came in contact with it. The Red Kryptonite lowered and gradually destroyed her inhibitions and turned her into a corrupt version of herself.
  • Rhea : Rhea had Kryptonite weapons forged from the massive amounts of Kryptonite that rained down on Daxam after Krypton was destroyed and ravaged her home world. She later used another form of Kryptonite, Silver, on Superman to make him hallucinate and fight Supergirl.
  • Oliver Queen : Oliver possesses arrows with tips made out of Green Kryponite on the chance that an evil Supergirl would show up.
Former users
  • D.E.O. : Green Kryptonite was used by the members of the D.E.O., who utilize it against those that hail from the planet Krypton. They utilize it in the form of restraints and certain weapons, such as blades, darts and bullets. Prison cells designed for Green Kryptonians, as well as training rooms, have kryptonite lights that can be lowered to simply depower a Green Kryptonian, while higher levels can incapacitate, cripple, and nearly kill them. However, after it was discovered that the D.E.O. had a spy from Project Cadmus who stole the Green Kryptonite from their organization; J'onn J'onzz gave all of the D.E.O.'s remaining green kryptonite to Clark Kent. Whether he destroyed it or kept it hidden is unknown, but based on Kara's comment about how Cadmus still had Kryptonite even though all known kryptonite was with Clark, it was assumed he kept it in the event another Kryptonian posed a threat to earth. However, it was later discovered that the kryptonite Cadmus used, was with in fact synthetic kryptonite.
  • Project Cadmus : Cadmus created a synthetic version of the Green Kryptonite that had the same effects as natural green kryptonite. It was used to power their Green Kryptonite-powered cyborg Metallo. However, the synthetic version proved too unstable and eventually exploded. They also used natural green kryptonite, that was used to power their second green kryptonite-powered cyborg Metallo, however, once the D.E.O. discovered that they had a spy from Cadmus in the organization; J'onn J'onzz gave all of the D.E.O.'s remaining green kryptonite to Clark Kent (under the guise of Superman) to keep it hidden from Cadmus or to destroy it; preventing Cadmus from further using green kryptonite against Clark and Kara Danvers.
Black kryptonite

Black kryptonite

Black Kryptonite is a form of refined Kryptonite that can separate the personalities of a single being into two separate beings. This Kryptonite is created by heating green kryptonite to extremely high temperatures. The full potential of black kryptonite is unknown, but it seems to have the ability to literally separate personalities of humans and Kryptonians, including the genetic fusion of the monster Doomsday and the humanoid Davis Bloome.

Known Uses

Black kryptonite has been used to split several beings into different beings: one good and one evil, one light and one dark, one free and one controlled, one tame and one ferocious, one human and one monster.
  • Martha Kent : Used it to split Kal-El, who was being controlled by Jor-El, into Clark Kent, and his possessed Kryptonian persona
  • Lex Luthor : Was split by an accident with Black Kryptonite into a good Lex and an evil Lex.
  • Chloe Sullivan : Used Black Kryptonite to divide the transforming Davis Bloome into a humanoid Davis and his rampaging monster counterpart, Doomsday.
  • The full potential of black kryptonite is unknown, but it seems to have the ability to literally separate personalities of humans and Kryptonians, including the genetic fusion of the monster Doomsday and the humanoid Davis Bloome.
  • Good personalities of Kryptonians and metahumans seemed to be less powerful than the evil ones, although this might simply be due to lack of restraint. Kal-El showed this when he overpowered Clark Kent. It is unknown if their good personalities still had their powers or not.
  • It seems black kryptonite affects Kryptonians in any state; yet to affect a human, it must be freshly heated, as Lex Luthor was separated into two beings by heated black kryptonite immediately after it reached critical temperature, while, in contrast, Martha Kent, Chloe Sullivan, Bart Allen and Oliver Queen were unaffected at room temperature.
  • Although black kryptonite can separate the personalities of a human person into separate bodies, it is not known what happens to the second personality if its counterpart dies. However, one body can sustain injuries while the counterpart remains unaffected, which suggests that the death of one personality would not cause the death of another.
  • Also, Kryptonians can survive if separated and one of the personalities is killed, as evidenced when Clark Kent seemingly "killed" his Kal-El personality by stabbing him with black kryptonite.
Kryptonite arrow

Kryptonite arrow

Kryptonite arrows are arrows laced with kryptonite. After Clark kicked Oliver off the team, Oliver later came up him and shot in the back with a kryptonite arrow, so that they could deal with Davis their own way without Clark interfering. In a possible future, a whole swarm of Kryptonians prepared to rain down on Oliver, so he had a kryptonite arrow pointed at them. Lois and Oliver had Clark Luthor subdued with kryptonite arrows pointed at him, but then when Clark appeared in his place, they lowered them, relieved to have him back.

Known Uses Gemstone kryptonite

Gemstone kryptonite

Gemstone kryptonite is a processed form of kryptonite. Originally found in a Smallville quarry, it is unknown how abundant gemstone kryptonite is on Earth but, due to its limited appearances on the show, it seems to be quite rare and present in only small quantities.

  • Gemstone kryptonite grants the power of hypnotic persuasion to Kryptonians enabling them to verbally compel others to obey their commands.
  • It is also speculated that Gemstone Kryptonite seems to compel the infected Kryptonian to obey their own commands or wishes either when the wish or desire is spoken aloud with conviction or by gazing through a reflected surface when the Persuasion is being done as was demonstrated when Clark Kent spoke aloud of his desire to "become a killer" like Zod and as a result the mineral drove him to attack Tess Mercer.
  • It's physically harmless to Kryptonians, inflicting no damage to them, however it grants the mental capability of persuasion in Kryptonians.
  • The mineral appears to have no effect on humans directly as Lois was unaffected despite being exposed to a cloud of it.
  • Like most forms, it can be countered by regular kryptonite.
Clear kryptonite

Clear kryptonite

Clear kryptonite is green kryptonite that has been neutralized, and is harmless to Kryptonians. Clear kryptonite first appeared when Lana's necklace got too close to Kal-El's ship, and the ship turned the kryptonite from a green to a transparent glass-like form.

  • Having been drained or neutralized of all radiation, Kryptonians aren't affected by it in its presence, however it can definitely penetrate a Kryptonian's invincible flesh, because it's from Krypton
  • Clear kryptonite seems to behave as and be vulnerable to the same stresses as any earth rock or crystal of similar hardness are.
Gold kryptonite

Gold kryptonite

Gold kryptonite is a rare form of kryptonite that can negate a Kryptonian's healing factor under a yellow sun, and will remove their powers forever. It sometimes colloquially referred to as "Gold K". Gold kryptonite was first mentioned when Clark Luthor told Tess Mercer that the scar on his arm was caused by Lex Luthor using Gold K to do it in his universe. However while he still retained his powers it left a permanent scar on him. This is unusual for Kryptonite. With other forms of Kryptonite, the effects are instantly reversed and Clark heals when they are no longer in contact with him or removed from his immediate vicinity.

  • It can probably be classified as the most dangerous and most powerful meteor rock in existence because it can give Kryptonians permanent wounds, can strip them of their powers and abilities forever, and, in huge amounts, it can kill a Kryptonian.
  • It is speculated that gold kryptonite needs to have physical contact with a Kryptonian to permanently remove their powers.
Kryptonite Sword

Kryptonite Sword D.E.O. : Green Kryptonite was used by the members of the D.E.O., who utilize it against those that hail from the planet Krypton. They utilize it in the form of restraints and certain weapons, such as blades, darts and bullets. Prison cells designed for Green Kryptonians, as well as training rooms, have kryptonite lights that can be lowered to simply depower a Green Kryptonian, while higher levels can incapacitate, cripple, and nearly kill them.

However, after it was discovered that the D.E.O. had a spy from Project Cadmus who stole the Green Kryptonite from their organization; J'onn J'onzz gave all of the D.E.O.'s remaining green kryptonite to Clark Kent. Whether he destroyed it or kept it hidden is unknown, but based on Kara's comment about how Cadmus still had Kryptonite even though all known kryptonite was with Clark, it was assumed he kept it in the event another Kryptonian posed a threat to earth. However, it was later discovered that the kryptonite Cadmus used, was with in fact synthetic kryptonite.

See More: Related Post : Source : wikipedia / arrow / smallville.wikia
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