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Makai Armor

Makai Armor is the armor forged for a Makai Knight to utilize in their war against the Horrors. Makai armor is a magically forged armor composed of Soul Metal. Made from the same material as their blades, the armor is themed after a wolf, the spirit animal of their order.

The armor can withstand powerful physical and magical attacks. Designed to hurt Horrors and anyone untrained in soul metal use, the armor will burn any living being that touches it. The tensile strength has its limitations though. When exposed to overwhelming power, the armor was designed to release itself from its wielder to avoid additional damage. However, that is a double-edge design as its armor is safe from catastrophic damage, but puts the user at risk from mortal danger. The armor is ultimately a last resort measure against the strongest of challenges. If a knight can handle the entity without its armor, it will make do without it. The armors, particularly titled ones, are able to let out wolf-like growls to induce psychological effect on foes.

The like any soul metal exposed to darkness, the armor requires purification periodically after being used to slay Horrors. When a Makai Knight falls into darkness, the Armor's Soul Metal turns into Death Metal and will take up a dark and grotesque appearance as seen in case of Kiba Armor. Because its bearer, Barago, have overcome the armor's time limit under Messiah's instruction, the armor become blackened and demonic in appearance.

A common rule when donning the Makai Armor is that no Makai Knight can wear his armor for more than 99.9 seconds as it would consume them or turn into Lost Soul Beasts if influenced by their inner darkness. The time limit is seemingly circumvented whenever a Makai Knight is fighting in the home realm of a Horror or any area with a particularly strong magical presence. Whenever Makai Armor is needed, the Makai Knight only need to focus his will on his Makai Blade as he pointed it to the air and spinning it in circular pattern.

This creates a circular dimensional rift from which his Makai Armor come out and wrapped around his body with temporary glow, completing the suit up process. While the transformation process takes under ten seconds, a skilled opponent can use that chance to prevent the knight from donning his armor and/or even rob the knight of his armor if they are capable enough; it would render the knight limited in combat strength. Makai Blade however, not always both weapon and item needed to summon the armor; For instance, Barago utilizes Mado Necklace which he blow before spin it to the air to summon his Kiba Armor.


Mentioned in the Madō Book of Origins, the Makai Armors are a product from the body of Legendary Horror Zedom. The Makai Priests had Zedom sealed away, but left a special port to open to take his seedlings. Made from Zedom's body, the seeds were originally designed to parasitically enter a horror's body to fully bend the horror to Zedom's will. However, after Zedom was captured, the priests discovered a means to process the seeds through their bodies to open the seeds in a sapling-like form. It is from this sapling that is the raw material for processing into Soul Metal and forged into armor and weapons for the Makai Order.

The Carved Seal of Flames

In this universe, the properties of the armor have certain similarities and differences compared to the original universe. Like the original universe, the armors were designed to handle heavy physical damage, resist Horror attacks, and defend from magical attacks for the knights to defeat horrors. However, instead of simply let out growls, the armor is capable of emoting, as in it seems to have its own spirit and reacts to the emotions of its user; it can roar in rage or cry from sadness. Because of that, the armor's helmet can react in a life-like animated way. Although, the armor that can truly emote so far are Garo and Zoro.

The Crimson Moon

Unlike the other series, Garo here seems to be accessed from Zaruba and not the Garoken. This is evidenced by Raikou's inability to summon Garo when Seimei's seal on Zaruba is in effect. Contrary to The Carved Seal of Flames, the Makai Armors of this era does have a definite time limit. As the armors approach their limit, the users experience great strain to their body to the point they can hardly move. If the user still wears the armor when the time expires, they become Lost Soul Beasts.

Vanishing Line

In Vanishing Line, Makai Armors have undergo drastic improvements as their appearance and aesthetic become mechanical and futuristic. The concept of the armor's current properties are partly inspired by Ghost Rider and Disney's TRON as they also gains circuit-like markings that glow whenever charged with ki, increasing their combat potential. Also, while Makai Armor that is corrupted to darkness takes a more demonic form, said armor still retain its mechanical appearance with its circuit-like glow become blood-red, as seen in the case of Bolg. Although, unlike in The Carved Seal of Flames timeline, Makai Armors no longer emote.

List of Armors Related Post : Source : wikipedia / garo.wikia
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