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Break Gunner

Transformation Fist-Gun Break Gunner is a device used by Chase that not only transforms him into the Kamen Rider-like warrior Mashin Chaser, but also doubles as his main weapon in battle. It first appears in episode 3. After Chase is reformed and becomes Kamen Rider Chaser, the Break Gunner is relegated to just a secondary sidearm, with the Shingou-Ax taking its place as his primary weapon.

This especially comes in handy when Chaser is waiting for his Shingou-Ax's finisher to complete its charging process. Where is Chaser Going? However, despite its retirement, the former form is still available to Chase as a last resort as seen when he uses the Break Gunner to transform into Mashin Chaser once more to save Go from Kamen Rider Gold Drive after his Mach Driver Honoh is destroyed.

By turning on the Advanced Ignition, Gold Drive can briefly steal this weapon from Chaser. This weapon becomes part of the finishing attack for Gold Drive's PerfecShot, where he first creates a golden energy ball with the Door-Ju, then uses the Break Gunner to pop the energy construct into a hailing barrage of bullets. The Break Gunner was among the arsenal locked by Krim Steinbelt beneath the Drive Pit after Gold Drive and Sigma Circular's defeat to ensure that no Core Driviars would be used for malicious purposes again.

Publication Information


To transform, the user firmly holds the Hard Gear Grip and slams their hand on the Destruction Muzzle spring-like button, holds it for a few seconds, then lets go and aims the Break Gunner above their head, causing the device to announce "Break Up" while a series of shadow tires and electricity projects out of it to surround the user and combine with the user's body, thus ending the transformation sequence into Mashin Chaser.

By pressing and releasing the Destruction Muzzle, Mashin Chaser can also activate the Break Gunner's Gun Mode. Pressing the Destruction Muzzle once again activates its Break Mode as well. It also allows him to use the Break Gunner as a knuckle duster with the small spikes below the Destruction Muzzle called Revenger Pikes empowering the blow.

Since the Break Gunner was based on Protodrive's equipment (presumably his own Shift Brace), the user can "Tune" up using either a Viral Core or Shift Car's powers by inserting them into a slot called the Viral Landing Panel behind the Guard Wingle, a purple spoiler. Using a Shift Car will simply add its power to the Break Gunner, which is activated by pulling the Demolition Trigger, while using a Chaser Viral Core will allow the user to transform into the appropriate Tune Chaser form.

To initiate a finishing attack, Mashin Chaser must have either a Viral Core or Shift Car placed in the Viral Landing Panel before pressing the Destruction Muzzle, which makes the Break Gunner announce "Execution". Pulling the Demolition Trigger afterwards would then give Mashin Chaser an exceeding amount of power, as well as cause the Break Gunner to announce "Full Break" and then the corresponding Viral Core or Shift Car used. Mashin Chaser may now release the power gained in any way he wishes.

In episode 21, after getting upgraded by Medic, Mashin Chaser can now create an improved version of the Heavy Acceleration called Super Heavy Acceleration simply by absorbing energies in his Break Gunner and punching it into the ground to produce a purple wave that can affect a small area in a certain radius. The effect is so much more powerful than the original Heaviness that it manages to slow down Drive Type Wild despite him having the necessities used to counter Heavy Accelerations. However, the effect can be countered through the use of Shift Dead Heat, but it still restricts the Shift Car/Signal Bike hybrid's enhanced combat capabilities. Only through the use of Shift Formula can the Super Heavy Acceleration effect be fully countered.

Other Versions
  • Kamen Rider Lupin uses a gold-colored version of the Break Gunner called the Lupin Gunner as his transformation device, after stealing the Break Gunner's blueprints to build it, which has an additional Blade Mode that is accessed via the Lupin Blade Viral Core.
  • Kamen Rider Dark Drive, a Rider that hailed from the year 2035 wielded a black-colored version of the Break Gunner, called the Blade Gunner as his side weapon. Unlike its predecessors, this weapon is already in its Blade Mode, which was first demonstrated by the Lupin Gunner. The blade part also resembles that of Kamen Rider Drive's Handle-Ken.



Shingou-Ax (Signal Ax) is Kamen Rider Chaser's default ax-like weapon, shaped like a pedestrian crossing signal light. It first appears in episode 26. This weapon is summoned from the front portion of the Ride Chaser, but like Mach's Zenrin Shooter, it is also capable of appearing from Chaser's transformation effect. During Kamen Rider Drive: Surprise Future, an untransformed Shinnosuke uses it to kill Mr. Belt to stop him from eventually becoming evil. He also uses it while assuming Drive Type Special in order to combat against the Paradox Roidmude.

By turning the Advanced Ignition on his Banno Driver, Kamen Rider Gold Drive can briefly steal this weapon from Chaser. Following the death of Chase and Go inheriting his arsenal as Kamen Rider Chaser Mach, he used the Shingou-Ax to smash the Banno Driver (thus killing his own father) by using its Across Breaker finisher.

Finishing Attack

The Shingou-Ax's Full Throttle finisher Across Breaker is activated when Chaser loads the Signal Chaser Bike into its Signal Landing Panel on the pole and presses the red Shingou Push Button (Signal Push Button) on the shaft. However, as a drawback to this, he must wait until the light on the E-Condition Lamp changes from red to green in order for his weapon's attack to be fully charged before pulling the Full Throttle Trigger, all while the weapon says "Matteroyo!" (Wait!).

During the wait, Chaser can use either of his other weapons, namely the Break Gunner or the Ride Booster Blue What's Go Shijima's Reason to Fight?, to keep the target busy. He can also use other Shift Cars (namely Shift Speed Prototype) for extra power while waiting for the E-Condition Lamp to change from red to green, but not before giving it to another Rider to hold it Once the charging is done, as the weapon says "Itteiiyo" (Good to go!), he can initiate one of two variations of this attack.
  • Chaser swings the Shingou-Ax several times, with the path of his swing seconds before each swing generating black-and-white tracks that resemble a crosswalk. He can also do it just once to create an instant swinging path.
  • Chaser flies up and uses the Shingou-Ax to strike the enemy with a spin slash.
  • After Chase's demise, Go uses a variation with no black-and-white tracks appears but strikes the enemy with a purple energy slash.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia
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