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Transcending Operating Handle-Ken ("Steering Wheel Sword" (Handle being the Japanese wording for "steering wheel")) is a bladed weapon wielded by Kamen Rider Drive, resembling Tridoron's steering wheel. It first appears in episode 4.

Shinnosuke is the one who names this weapon thanks to the rather oddly placed steering wheel on the hand guard, though Mr. Belt disapproves of the literal name. When the Handle-Ken is summoned, it comes from the front portion of Tridoron's hollow section. A replica of the Handle-Ken is also wielded by the Imitation Drive. Type HIGH SPEED! The True Power! Type High Speed is Born!. In episode 43, the Handle-Ken was stolen from Drive and used by Gold Drive during their second battle with each other.

Publication Information


The Handle-Ken's blade is made from S0-1, an experimental compound that can also repair Shift Cars. The blade itself is very sharp albeit weirdly balanced, but it can be made even more powerful by turning the steering wheel on the hilt, which announces "Turn" and powers up for the next attack. Initiating a third Turn motion in a row causes the Handle-Ken to instead announce "U-Turn" and allow Drive to execute the Turn Slash attack, where he drifts across the battlefield before he strikes the enemy with a powerful slash.

In terms of Drive's main forms, Type Wild is the most compatible with the Handle-Ken due to its enhanced strength and defensive capabilities fitting with the close range combat nature of this weapon. Drive can use the Nin Shuriken in a similar manner to the Ninja Ichibantou simply by placing them on the Handle-Ken's insignia then spinning the shuriken and turning the steering wheel. When Tridoron transforms into an OtomoNin and combines with Shurikenjin, the Handle-Ken becomes part of a special control interface for Drive so that he can control the combined mecha with the Ninningers.

Finishing Attacks


The Handle-Ken has two Rider Slash Full Throttle finishers.
  • Drift Slash : To activate this attack, Drive must load a Shift Car into the Handle-Ken's Shift Landing Panel behind its blade or activating the Full Throttle via the Drive Driver and Shift Brace after turning his Drive Driver's Advanced Ignition.
  • Shift Speed : When Drive slashes an enemy, a blue automobile light trail appears and reflects a red then blue image of either a speedometer, a rev counter, or a fuel gauge on the target.
  • Midnight Shadow : When Drive slashes, a giant energy shuriken is shot at the enemy.
  • Dream Vegas : When Drive slashes an enemy three times, the number 7 appears with cards, chips, and lottery-related items bursting out, which then reflects an image of the number 777 on the target.
  • Shift Wild : Drive strikes the enemy with one energized slash before he spins rapidly and traps the target in a series of deadly spinning slashes until they are destroyed.
  • Shift Tridoron : Drive strikes the enemy with a couple of energized slashes as an energy projection of Tridoron spins around him and the target.
Shift Brace
  • Rumble Dump : Drive strikes the enemy with both the Rumble Smasher and energized slashes from the Handle-Ken as he spins rapidly and traps the target in a series of deadly spinning slashes and Rumble Smasher strikes until they are destroyed.
Drift Rotation
  • Drift Rotation : To activate this attack, Drive must press the Handle-Ken's "horn" after turning its steering wheel once.

    • Type Speed : Drive unleashes an enhanced spin slash that can destroy multiple enemies at once. A variation of this attack is similar to Type Wild's version where Drive spins on the ground and slashes the enemy several times as each slash makes a red light-like circle appear. This version is for a single target.
    • Type Wild : Drive spins like a top and slashes the enemy several times as each slash makes a red light-like circle appear, while also leaving skid marks on the ground.
  • Drift Slash : When Gaim Drive Arms activates his Sengoku Driver's Squash function, his belt announces Hissatsu! Ah, Full Throttle! ("Finisher! Ah, Full Throttle!"), allowing him to slip on an orange road and use the Handle-Ken to slash his enemy with a red tire.

Legend Rider Weapon

Arms Weapon

Gaim Drive Arms
  • Gaim Drive Arms

    • The Handle-Ken is the Arms Weapon wielded by either an Armored Rider or a New Generation Rider when they transform into Drive Arms, which is assumed by Kamen Rider Gaim in Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Drive & Gaim: Movie War Full Throttle. Though the only weapon of Drive Arms used onscreen, the Handle-Ken is paired with the Door-Ju in the Arms Change series.
Ghost Drive Damashii

Ghost Drive Damashii
  • Ghost Drive Damashii

    • The Handle-Ken is the Legend Rider Weapon granted upon assuming Drive Damashii, which is used by Kamen Rider Ghost. In this form, it is paired with the Door-Ju.

Opening and Closing Loading Door-Ju

Opening and Closing Loading Door-Ju

Opening and Closing Loading Door-Ju ("Door Gun") is a firearm weapon wielded by Kamen Rider Drive, resembling Tridoron's driver-side door. It first appears in episode 8. Like the Handle-Ken, Shinnosuke names this weapon for the car door attachment on the barrel's side, and Mr. Belt disapproves of his lackluster choice. When the Door-Ju is summoned, it comes from the front portion of Tridoron's hollow section. A replica of the Door-Ju is also wielded by the Imitation Drive, with this version shooting out water.

In the future, when the Drive system becomes corrupted, the Door-Ju ended up in the possession of Eiji Tomari, Shinnosuke's son in the future, using it to defend himself against Future Roidmudes. In episode 42, the Door-Ju was stolen from Drive and used by Gold Drive during their first battle with each other.


The Door-Ju can fire several shots before needing to be reloaded, which is easily accomplished by opening and closing the door, as well as project a car door-like energy shield. If the door is open while being fired, the Door-Ju will give an error announcement of "Open Door" and misfire. Once reloaded, it will say "Charge". If the door is opened and closed multiple times while there is still ammo, the bullets will become much stronger. During his fight against the Open Roidmude, Drive's performance with the Door-Ju was disabled by the Roidmude constantly opening the weapon's door until it became jammed ajar. In terms of Drive's main forms, Type Technic is the most compatible with the Door-Ju due to its near pin-perfect precision fitting with the long range combat nature of this weapon.

Finishing Attacks

The Door-Ju's Full Throttle finisher PerfecShot is activated when Drive loads a Shift Car into its Shift Landing Panel (in Gold Drive's case, either loading them into his Shift Brace or not) behind the barrel after turning his Drive Driver's Advanced Ignition.

  • Shift Speed : Drive fires several flaming shots, then accelerates them by kicking an energy wheel that forms on the side into their path, slamming into their target at terminal velocity.
  • Fire Braver : Drive fires a beam of energy resembling the Ladder Expander, which grabs the enemy and pins them to the nearest wall before he pulls the trigger to detonate the energy construct, taking out the target along with it.
  • Rolling Gravity : Drive fires a ball of energy resembling the 10-ton Weight, which flies over directly above the enemy and pelts them with a series of bullets before the energy construct falls like a rock, detonating as it hits the target.
Gold Drive
  • Using his own power, Gold Drive fires a ball of energy which flies over directly above the enemy. Then, he uses the Break Gunner to destroy it and turn into a hailing barrage of bullets.



Trailer-Hou ("Trailer Cannon") is Kamen Rider Drive's rifle-like Shift Car weapon utilized when he assumes Type Formula, though he can also wield it as Type Tridoron. It first appears in episode 22. Like the Handle-Ken and Door-Ju, Shinnosuke names this weapon based on what it resembles: a semi truck, with the trailer section consisting a lot of its bulk. Similar to the Shift Cars and Signal Bikes, the Trailer-Hou is also sentient where it is powered by a specialized Core Driviar called the Core Driviar-TH.

After the Kamen Riders are met by Gold Drive, who possesses the ability to steal their weaponry, Rinna develops a special data coating which she applies to the Trailer-Hou, as well as the transformation Shift Cars and Signal Bikes, in order to protect them from Banno's power of theft. After the destruction of Gold Drive and the Sigma Circular, the Trailer-Hou was among the Kamen Rider arsenal locked beneath the Drive Pit alongside Krim Steinbelt himself.


The Trailer-Hou can interchange between its Trailer Mode and Cannon Mode simply by pulling down the Flame Rear Grip. In Trailer Mode, the Trailer-Hou not only houses Shift Formula inside of its Shift Container Barrel, but is spacious enough to contain all of the Tire Exchange Shift Cars as well. It also utilizes a small visor called the Trailer Searcher for various purposes: searching for either Drive or Roidmudes, generating tracks in midair (being so huge, the Trailer-Hou has to generate three lanes worth of Shift Car tracks), and firing bullets from its front sides. While moving, its Generator Chassis tires can provide protection from Super Heavy Accelerations and its Wall Metal Body hard body can resist multiple impacts and damages.

In Cannon Mode, the Trailer-Hou can fire high output blue energy blasts. If Drive loads a Shift Car into its Shift Landing Slot on top of the barrel, it announces the loaded Shift Car's name (either the form name of a Type Change Shift Car or the last name of a Tire Exchange Shift Car, though Type Formula-styled Tire Exchange Shift Cars follow "0[number of Shift Car and Shift Car name]) followed by "Hou" ("Cannon") and allows him to fire other colored energy projectiles based on said Shift Car.
  • Shift Formula : Formula-Hou
  • Shift Speed : Speed-Hou Shift Technic : Technic-Hou Shift Dead Heat : Dead Heat-Hou Shift Wild : Wild-Hou
Finishing Attacks

The Trailer-Hou has two Rider Shooting Full Throttle finishers, each corresponding to one of Drive's strongest Types. To activate them, Drive must load up to two Shift Cars into the Shutter Gate Panel within the Shift Container Barrel, which causes the Side Gauge Window to display the word "FULL" once it is completely loaded, before he pulls the Full Throttle Trigger.

Trailer Impact : While assuming Type Formula, or its Tire Exchanges, Drive inserts Shift Formula into the Shift Landing Slot before loading two other Shift Cars into the Shutter Gate Panel so that he may fire an enhanced projectile shot at the enemy.
  • Type Formula

    • Shift Speed & Shift Wild : Fires a blue energy blast.
    • Shift Speed & Midnight Shadow : Fires rapid energy bullets.
    • Jacky F02 & Sparner F03 : Fires a blue energy stream.

  • Type Formula Mantarn

    • Jacky F02 & Sparner F03 : Fires a blue energy stream.
    • Type Formula Jacky
    • Mantarn F01 & Sparner F03 : Fires a blue energy beam.

  • Type Formula Sparner

    • Mantarn F01 & Jacky F02 : Fires a blue energy blast.
Trailer Big Impact

While assuming Type Tridoron, Drive inserts a Type Change Shift Car (excluding Shift Formula) into the Shift Landing Slot before loading Shift Tridoron into the Shutter Gate Panel so that he may fire the actual Tridoron at the enemy. Initiating this attack causes Drive to revert to one of his weaker Types depending on which Type Change Shift Car he uses.
  • Shift Speed : This version is strong enough to destroy even a Super Evolved Roidmude while immediately reverting Drive to Type Speed.
  • Shift Wild : This version is used once to try and defeat both Gold Drive and Roidmude 004 while immediately reverting Drive to Type Wild, only to fail as a result of Heart absorbing the shot for them before unleashing a powerful earthquake.
  • Shift Technic : This version is strong enough to forcibly defuse a Roidmude that underwent Fusion Evolution upon contact while immediately reverting Drive to Type Technic.

Blade Gunner

Blade Gunner Blade Gunner is a sword utilized by Kamen Rider Dark Drive. This weapon is themed after Mashin Chaser/Kamen Rider Chaser's Break Gunner, with its blade part resembling Kamen Rider Drive's Handle-Ken while the hilt's appearance is similar to Kamen Rider Lupin's Lupin Gunner in Blade Mode.

This weapon is only accessible through the use of Shift Next Special (Next part), meaning that it is exclusive to Type Next, in a similar vein to Drive's Tire Specific Items. Dark Drive can use this weapon as either a sword, a gun, or as a brass knuckle-like weapon.


Blade Gunner's finisher is an unnamed Rider Slash: Dark Drive presses the Igniter on his Shift Brace and executes a powerful energized slash.

Related Post : Source : wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia
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