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Krim Steinbelt

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Type Tridoron under Mr. Belt's control

Type Tridoron under Mr. Belt's control

With the creation of the Shift Tridoron Car, Krim gains the ability to borrow Shinnosuke's body, as well as Drive in Type Tridoron since the armor was made from Tridoron's parts, where the car is controllable through his will. When this happens, Mr. Belt's face appears on the Dual High Beam Eye of Drive's Tri-D Met. All versions of this Type bear a tire across Drive's left shoulder. During the Tire Blending process, the three Shift Tires being combined first attach to his elbow in a manner similar to Type Formula's Shift Tires. Mr. Belt retains his elegance trait while fighting, which mirrors that of a Hong Kong-styled action movie.

Dark Drive

Though the Krim Steinbelt AI in the driver is gone or nonexistent, Roidmude 108 used the Drive Driver's autonomous function to allow the Driver to fight without a host, making "Eiji" (108) and Dark Drive look like different individuals to Shinnosuke. If the autopilot Dark Drive is present when 108 transforms into Dark Drive, the autopilot's suit will simply merge with 108 to complete the transformation.

Dark Drive Type : Next Pre-Tire

Dark Drive Type : Next Pre-Tire

This version of Type Next is briefly seen during Dark Drive's transformation.

Kamen Rider Dark Drive

Kamen Rider Dark Drive
  • Kamen Rider Dark Drive
    • Drive : Type Next! (Orchestral rock music) ― Transformation announcement
    • Height : 199 cm.
    • Weight : 103.8 kg.
    • Punching power :
    • Kicking power :
    • Maximum jump height :
    • Maximum running speed :
    • Appeareance : Kamen Rider Drive: Surprise Future.

  • Type Next is Dark Drive's futuristic mercedes-based form. Accessed through the Next side of the Shift Next Special Car, this form bears the Type Next Tire.

Type Tridoron Pre-Tire

Tridoron Pre-Tire
  • Tridoron Pre-Tire

    • This version of Type Tridoron is briefly seen during Drive's transformation.
Type Tridoron

Type Tridoron
  • Type Tridoron

    • Drive : Type Tridoron! (Dramatic rock guitar solo) ― Transformation announcement
    • Height : 198.5 cm.
    • Weight : 108.0 kg.
    • Punching power : 18.0t
    • Kicking power : 31.0t
    • Maximum jump height : 45.0m
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 0.643 sec.
    • Appearances : Episodes 33-39, Surprise Future, 41, 42, Type LUPIN, 43-47, Super Movie War Genesis

  • Type Tridoron is Drive's sports car-based evolved form of Type Speed, as well as his ultimate form. Accessed through the Shift Tridoron Car, this form bears the Type Tridoron Tire. This form debuts in episode 33. In terms of Drive's Types, this form easily outclasses most others. In basic performance specs alone, Type Tridoron's punching power measures 2 tons heavier than Type Formula, with kicking power also measuring 2.4 tons heavier than the aforementioned Type. While Type Formula does maintain superiority in regards to speed and jumping ability, Type Tridoron is capable of comparable super-speed combat; being only 0.443 sec. slower than Type Formula (0.523 sec. slower from Type Formula's top speed).

    Drive's special ability in this form is being able to initiate a Tire Blending (タイヤかき混ぜる Taiya Kakimazeru) by turning the Advanced Ignition before he presses the button marked with three tires on Shift Tridoron and then lifts it once, which allows him to combine three Tire Exchange Shift Cars of a particular set into a singular Shift Tire with the unique powers and abilities of the chosen Shift Cars for immediate and simultaneous use. Optionally, Drive can delay combining the Shift Tires by launching them as projectiles to attack his enemies before returning back to complete the Tire Blending process.

    Drive can also push this ability to the maximum by combining all of his Shift Tires with the Type Tridoron Tire into a single glowing white tire. This, when coupled with Heart increasing his own power to the maximum, is powerful enough to destroy even the Sigma Circular. This Type's Full Throttle finisher is the TriDrop, where Drive focuses power into his right leg, making it glow red as he slams into the enemy with a flying kick. Type Tridoron's ending theme is entitled "Unlimited Drive".

Type Tridoron Attack 1.2.3

Type Tridoron Attack 1.2.3
  • Type Tridoron Attack 1.2.3

    • Come On! Flare, Spike, Shadow! Tire Kakimazerl : Attack 1.2.3! (Electric guitar squeal, followed by shamisen strums and rock music warble) ― Activation announcement
    • Height : 198.5 cm.
    • Weight : 108.0 kg.
    • Punching power : 18.0
    • Kicking power : 31.0
    • Maximum jump height : 45.0
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 0.643 sec.
    • Appearances : Episodes 33, 35, 37, Surprise Future, 44

  • By Tire Blending his hotrod-based Shift Cars (Max Flare, Funky Spike, and Midnight Shadow), Drive can upgrade Type Tridoron into Type Tridoron Attack 1.2.3, which bears the Attack 1.2.3 Tire. This mode debuts in episode 33. In this mode, Drive can produce multiple clones of himself and throw spike projectiles along with fireballs at the same time. Type Tridoron Attack 1.2.3's Full Throttle finisher is an enhanced version of the TriDrop, which focuses more colorful energy.

Type Tridoron People Saver

Type Tridoron People Saver
  • Type Tridoron People Saver

    • Come On! Hunter, Doctor, Braver! Tire Kakimazerl : People Saver! (Harmonic siren wails) ― Activation announcement
    • Height : 198.5 cm.
    • Weight : 108.0 kg.
    • Punching power : 18 t
    • Kicking power : 31 t
    • Maximum jump height : 45 m
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 0.643 sec.
    • Appearances : Episodes 34, 37, 39

  • By Tire Blending his emergency-based Shift Cars (Justice Hunter, Mad Doctor, and Fire Braver), Drive can upgrade Type Tridoron into Type Tridoron People Saver, which bears the People Saver Tire. This mode debuts in episode 34. In this mode, Drive is armed with the Justice Cage, Cure Quicker, and Ladder Expander. Type Tridoron People Saver's Full Throttle finisher is an enhanced version of the JustiSmash, where after trapping the enemy in the Justice Cage's Energy Prison and using the Ladder Expander to lift them into the air, Drive floats up and destroys both the cage and the imprisoned target with an energized punch.

    During Type Tridoron People Saver's first use, its Full Throttle "finisher" allowed Drive to utilize all three of his Tire Specific Items at once for various purposes (the Justice Cage to imprison any nearly culprits and the Cure Quicker & Ladder Expander to assist any nearby civilians by healing those who are injured and grabbing those who are falling respectively).

Type Tridoron Kouji Genbar

Type Tridoron Kouji Genbar
  • Type Tridoron People Saver

    • Come On! Dump, Mixer, Gravity! Tire Kakimazerl : Kouji Genbar! (Slap bass solo, accompanied by conga drums) ― Activation announcement
    • Height : 198.5 cm.
    • Weight : 108.0 kg.
    • Punching power : 18 t
    • Kicking power : 31 t
    • Maximum jump height : 45 m
    • Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 0.643 sec.
    • Appearances : Episodes 34, 36, 38, 39, Surprise Future, 46
  • By Tire Blending his worksite-based Shift Cars (Rumble Dump, Spin Mixer, and Rolling Gravity), Drive can upgrade Type Tridoron into Type Tridoron Kouji Genbar ("Type Tridoron Construction Site"), which bears the Kouji Genbar Tire ("Construction Site Tire"). This mode debuts in episode 34. In this mode, Drive is armed with the Rumble Smasher and 10-ton Weight.

Type Tridoron American Dream
  • Come On! Vegas, Cab, Circus! Tire Kakimazerl : American Dream! (Orchestral waltz music) ― Activation announcement

    • Height : 199 cm.
    • Weight : 103.8 kg.
    • Punching power :
    • Kicking power :
    • Maximum jump height :
    • Maximum running speed :

  • By Tire Blending his luxury-based Shift Cars (Dream Vegas, Dimension Cab, and Amazing Circus), Drive can upgrade Type Tridoron into Type Tridoron American Dream, which bears the American Dream Tire. Even though this mode does not appear in the series proper, it would most likely arm Drive with the Drum Shields.

Type Tridoron Weather Report
  • Come On! Solar, Winter, Commercial! Tire Kakimazerl: Weather Report! (News introduction music) ― Activation announcement

    • Height : 199 cm.
    • Weight : 103.8 kg.
    • Punching power :
    • Kicking power :
    • Maximum jump height :
    • Maximum running speed :

  • By Tire Blending his advertisement-based Shift Cars (Burning Solar, Road Winter, and Colorful Commercial), Drive can upgrade Type Tridoron into Type Tridoron Weather Report , which bears the Weather Report Tire. Even though this mode does not appear in the series proper, it would most likely arm Drive with the Frostreamer.

Type Tridoron Tough Guy
  • Come On! Monster, Wrecker, Traveller! Tire Kakimazerl : Tough Guy! (Passionate rock music) ― Activation announcement
  • Height : 199 cm.
  • Weight : 103.8 kg.
  • Punching power :
  • Kicking power :
  • Maximum jump height :
  • Maximum running speed :

  • By Tire Blending his truck-based Shift Cars (Massive Monster, Hooking Wrecker, and Deco Traveller), Drive can upgrade Type Tridoron into Type Tridoron Tough Guy, which bears the Tough Guy Tire. Even though this mode does not appear in the series proper, it would most likely arm Drive with the Monster and Capture Hook.

  • Type Tridoron Grand Prix
    • Come On! Mantarn, Jacky, Sparner! Tire Kakimazerl: Grand Prix! (Groovy music) ― Activation announcement

      • Height : 199 cm.
      • Weight : 103.8 kg.
      • Punching power :
      • Kicking power :
      • Maximum jump height :
      • Maximum running speed :

    • By Tire Blending his Formula Pit Crew Shift Cars (Mantarn F01, Jacky F02, and Sparner F03), Drive can upgrade Type Tridoron into Type Tridoron Grand Prix, which bears the Grand Prix Tire. Even though this mode does not appear in the series proper, it would most likely arm Drive with the Jacky Riser and Grasper Claw.
    Related Post : Source : wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia
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