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Shin Asuka

Shin Asuka
  • Shin Asuka
    • Shin Asuka is the main protagonist of the Ultraman Dyna series, who is Ultraman Dyna. He is known for being a funny, and rather immature guy, but is very serious when he needs to. After his final battle against Gransphire, the black hole teleported him to a gap between universes, but is later revealed in Ultraman Saga he returned to his universe briefly.



Reflasher Reflasher is a strange object that appeared after episode 1 of Ultraman Dyna. The object will serve as Ultraman Dyna's transformation item in the later episodes and is used by Shin Asuka, Ultraman Dyna's human host, in times most urgent.

The usage of the Reflasher begins first at the physical press of a trigger by Asuka, then a mental approval by Ultraman Dyna. The result of Dyna not agreeing to the transformation causes the Reflasher not to open and can put everyone around Asuka in grave danger. If both sides agree to the transformation, Asuka will usually flick his right wrist, pressing the trigger to the left side of the device.

The jewel concealed within the Reflasher will snap open 180 degrees before emmiting a bright, purplish light that envelops the screen. Within a few seconds, Ultraman Dyna will maximize. The Reflasher is not always present at transformation, as when Asuka's hands are obstructed, he can mentally call upon the Ultra. However, the Reflasher may become lost, but will not open to anyone unless Asuka is present and is willing to open it. In later transformations outside of the Ultraman Dyna TV series, Asuka will yell "DYNA!" before the Reflasher snaps open.


Dyna Flash-Type

Dyna Flash-Type
  • Dyna Flash-Type
    • Height : 55 m
    • Weight : 45,000 t
    • Time Limit : Three minutes
    • Flight Speed : Mach 8
    • Running Speed : Mach 3
    • Burrowing Speed : Mach 2
    • Swimming Speed : Mach 2
    • Jumping Distance : 1000 meters
    • Grip Strength : 60,000 tons
  • Flash-Type is Ultraman Dyna's default form. It is similar to Ultraman Tiga's but Tiga was a physical fighter that excelled at Energy manipulation, Dyna's abilities were more focused on beam attacks. His fighting style was similar to the Original Ultraman's, but with more focus on grappling. It was more agile and energetic compared to Tiga's since his show was created to be more lighthearted.
Body Features:
  • Dyna's Eyes : Dyna can detect the presence of hidden enemies
  • Dyna Crystal : The crystal on Dyna's forehead, it is like the Tiga Crystal in that it the major requirement for Dyna to type change. Unlike Tiga, Dyna can only transform twice in battle, also to transform into any other form he must be in Flash Type meaning it is impossible for him to use all three of his forms in battle. However when facing Deathfacer a second time, he transformed straight into Power Type.
  • Dyna Tector : While in Flash-Type, the yellow band around his chest and upper back, it is a protector like Tiga's bands, the sturdiest part of his body and almost indestructible.
  • Ultra Armor : When he Type changes into other forms, Dyna trades his Dyna Tector for a normal Ultra Armor which can withstand high heat and low temperatures, his Ultra Armor is resistant to flame and laser beams.
  • Arms : Dyna is an Ultra that specializes in Ray attacks, for this his arms can channel several million Horsepower of energy.

Special Moves:
  • Solgent Ray : Ultraman Dyna’s primary signature attack. It is fired as an electric blue ray and usually used as a finisher. This attack has enough power to kill monsters of equal size in just a single shot.
    • New Solgent Ray : In order to power up the Solgent Ray, where Ultraman Dyna charged it with his two arms in a diagonally opposite position and fired when he crosses his arms. Used in order to match Ultraman Tiga's Zepillion Ray for the movie: Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna: Warriors of the Star of Light. It also use again in Ultraman Tiga & Ultraman Dyna & Ultraman Gaia: Battle in Hyperspace in order to battle Bajiris. It is twice as powerful as the normal Solgent Ray, but only used twice
    • TD Bomber : Used when combined with Tiga's Zepellion Ray, used to destroy Queen Monera in Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna: Warriors of the Star of Light.
    • Dynamic Ray : Though used in the same way of Solgent Ray, but the attack emits a white ray similar to the the original Ultraman's Specium Ray.
  • Specium Ray : Like all Ultras, Ultraman Dyna can also perform the same classic finisher attack which mastered by all Ultras. Though, his version is similar to the Solgent Ray, only without the electric flowing on the beam.
Physical Techniques:
  • Flash Punch : Dyna can perform an intense punch on his enemy’s weak points.
  • Flash Chop : Dyna can perform a powerful chop. It’s strong enough to rip through Golza II’s skin.
  • Flash Kick : Dyna Flash type can perform many types of kicks, such as straight or dive kick.
  • Ultra Whipper : A throwing technique that has the enemy raised over Dyna's shoulders.
    • Ultra Leg Whip : A throwing technique using enemy’s leg.
  • Ultra Drop Heel : Dyna can perform a heel kick on his enemy.
  • Hurricane Swing : Dyna can grab the enemy’s head and throws the enemy into the air, in similar manner of Vulcan Swing.
  • Flying Double Punch : With Tiga, both can perform a flying punch on the enemy.
Other Techniques:
  • Flash Cycler : When needed, Ultraman Dyna can fire the Flash Cycler, a cutter beam, from his arms.
  • Beam Slicer : Dyna can unleash a wave of shuriken-shaped light bullets from his right arm.
  • Flash Buster : Dyna can unleash a blue beam from his right hand, similar to Tiga’s Hand Slash. Used on Neo Gaigareid.
  • Flash Light Bullet : Dyna sticks out his hand in front of his chest and fires a rainbow colored light wave. Used on Cyclometra.
  • Ultra Double Slicer : With Tiga, both Ultras fire Beam Slicer and Hand Slash, respectively on an enemy.
  • Dyna Slash : Ultraman Dyna can form the same kind of Ultra Slash used by Ultras of the Showa era timeline.
  • Ultra Fork : Ultraman Dyna can charge up an energy ball in his hands and then throw it. He can put a curve to this so that it acts like a curveball in baseball. It has the potential of killing opponents in a single shot.
  • Solgent Energy Ball (Name Unknown) : Dyna can create a ball of energy from his hands and crush it into the enemy. Used on Zombayu.
  • Dyna Barrier : When needed, Ultraman Dyna can put up a barrier shield that protects him from attacks. This barrier can also reflect energy-based projectiles.
  • Dyna Balloon : Creates a red energy sphere that travels upward like a ballon to attract the monster Bao-on's attention, used in episode 8.
  • Dyna Teleportation : Dyna can teleport short distances without the cost of energy. Used in episode 25.
  • Ultra Water Stream : Used to put out strong fires. Used in episode 2.
  • Revival Beam : Raising his right hand Dyna can fire a beam from his palm and targetting it a died Ultra's Color Timer to recharge another Ultra. Used to revive the exhausted Cosmos.
  • Spiral Burst (Not Used) : Dyna can fire an energy bullet from his Dyna Tector chest.
  • Bullet Destroy (Name Unknown):Dyna can destroy energy bullets using his hand.First used to destroy Earthron energy bullets.

Dyna Miracle-Type

Dyna Miracle-Type
  • Dyna Miracle-Type
    • Flight Speed : Average: Mach 10 / Special : Mach 88, Light speed is possible.
    • Running Speed : Mach 5i>
    • Burrowing Speed : Mach 1
    • Swimming Speed : Mach 3
    • Jumping Distance : 1,500 meters
    • Grip Strength : 40,000 tons (human equivalent to 40 Kg)
  • Miracle-Type is Ultraman Dyna's secondary form and is the one he prefers over Strong-Type. It is similar to Ultraman Tiga's Sky Type, but where Sky type was for speed at close quarters fighting, Miracle type was for speed and mental abilities for long range combat.

Special Moves:
  • Revolium Wave Attack Type : Ultraman Dyna’s primary attack in Miracle type. Used to knock beings into other dimensions. Though, some monsters can denied the effects. First used in episode 13.
  • Revolium Wave Reverse Type : The Revolium Wave can absorb attacks in a shield and then fire it back. When needed, Ultraman Dyna can choose only to use the shield to protect himself from attacks.
Physical Techniques:
  • Miracle Kick : Dyna can jump high into the sky and perform a kick powerful enough to create sparks. Used on Zombayu.
  • Miracle Punch : Dyna can deliver a fast-paced punch to his enemys. Used on Garaon.
  • Miracle Chop : Dyna can perform a quick vertical chop. However, it’s barely effective.
  • Miracle Elbow : Dyna can deliver a powerful elbow attack from his gathered energy.
  • Continuous Turning Kick : Dyna spins himself while performing a pour kick. Used on Zombayu.
  • Miracle Rocket Attack : Dyna can engulf his body in energy and turn into an energy orb. He then flys straight through his opponents, destroying them instantly.
    • Drill Spin Tactis : Dyna can integrated himself with GUTS Eagle, so when the Tornado Thunder is shot, Dyna flys straight to the target. Used on Bazob.
    • Miracle Rolling : Dyna can perform high speed rolling when he rolls him self up.
    • Dyna Rolling Attack : Dyna attacks an enemy while performing Miracle Rolling. Good for other attack follow ups.
  • Increases Speed and Defense : In Miracle Mode, his speed and defense are more stronger than before. In other words his move is more faster.
Other Techniques:
  • Shining Judge : Dyna collects the sun’s rays to create an orange light lens and fires an orange beam. It’s has a different version on the movie.
  • Energy Beam : When needed, Dyna, in Miracle type, can fire a beam of blue energy from his arm. This beam can cripple most monsters in a single shot.
  • Nature Control : Miracle type can control natural elements like lightning and fire.
    • Miracle Thunder Charge : Dyna can collects nearby lightning into his hand and he can rechannel the electricity into an electrical equipments.
  • Vision : Miracle type can see into enemy bodies to see their weakness.
  • Teleportation : Miracle type can teleport long distances at will without draining energy.
  • Telekinesis : Ultraman Dyna can grasp enemies using telekinesis and throw them.
  • Energy Conversion : Ultraman Dyna can convert Plasma Energy into his own Light Energy.
  • Magic Ultra : Used once against Garaon, Dyna, in Miracle-Type, can create three copies of himself and attack the enemy. Its unknown if these copies are able to use Dyna’s other attacks. This ability is rarely used and the copies will vanish at Dyna’s will.
  • Ultra Psychic : Used against Giralen, Ultraman Dyna, in Miracle-Type, can generate a large amount of will power that can suspend and lift foes without flinching.

Dyna Strong-Type

Dyna Strong-Type
  • Dyna Strong-Type
    • Flight Speed : Mach 5
    • Running Speed : Mach 2.5
    • Swimming Speed : Mach 1
    • Burrowing Speed : Mach 3
    • Jumping Distance : 800 meters
    • Grip strength : 90,000 tons
  • Strong-Type is Ultraman Dyna's third type and is not as preferred by Dyna as his Flash or Miracle Types. It is similar to Ultraman Tiga's Power Type. However Power Type had several beam techniques and finishers but in Strong Type Dyna has no other energy abilities/ranged attacks besides his barrier and the Garnet Bomber, it is focused almost entirely on martial arts and strength.

Special Moves:
  • Garnate Bomber : Ultraman Dyna, in Strong type, can unleash a large burst of energy from his arm. This attack will rip straight through an opponent’s body, often leaving perfect holes through whatever part is hit.
Physical Techniques:
  • Vulcan Swing : Ultraman Dyna can swing monsters/enemies in the air. This technique also seen as finisher for Ultraman Dyna strong type in Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3.
  • Slow Dynamite : Throws even the heaviest of enemies high into the air.
  • Strong Punch : When in Strong Type, Ultraman Dyna can coat his fist with energy and smash it into an opponent. They will then fly back and explode if weakened enough from previous attacks.
  • Strong Kick : Dyna can deliver a very strong kick.
  • Ultra Drop Heel : A powerful a heel kick. Used on Daigerun.
  • Kick Back Turn : Dyna performs an over-head kick to the enemy. Used on Fake Ultraman Dyna.
  • Strong Bomb : Dyna can perform a powerful diving kick to the enemy. Used on Monsarger.
  • Bounce Shooter : Dyna bends his enemy’s head and bend it backward. Used on Jagira.
  • Ultra Whipper : Dyna can lift an enemy and throws it, even with one hand.
  • Strong Crusher : Dyna lifts an enemy to the air and throws it down.
  • Dyna Tornado Attack : Dyna spins himself and drill himself to enemy.
  • Strong Scissors : Dyna jumps into the air and lands on his enemy’s back. Used on Mogedon.
  • Cat Trick : Dyna performs a loud surprise clap to enemy. Used on Mogedon.
  • Die Knuckle : Dyna can perform a powerful punch while shouting. Used to destroy Deathfacer's Neo Maxima Cannon.
  • Slow Dynamics : If allowed, Ultraman Dyna can pick up huge boulders and throw them with incredible accuracy at enemies.
  • Cross Counter Punch : Used only once against Imitation Ultraman Dyna. Strong-Type can generate large amounts of energy in his right fist and hurl it, causing great amounts of damage.

Dyna Glitter-Type

Dyna Glitter-Type
  • Dyna Glitter-Type
    • Dyna Glitter-Type is Dyna's Final Form. This form achieved when Humans or any other beings (Giants of Light) give their inner light of Hope.
    • Ultraman Dyna was seen as Glitter-Type in video games and in "Superior 8 Ultra Brothers" movie. However, very little is known of this type.
  • Techniques
    • Glitter Solgent Ray : Ultraman Dyna Glitter Version can fire a glittery version of the Solgent Ray. It is said to be 10X more powerful than the original.
    • Superior Myth Blaster : A combination move of all 8 Ultra Brothers signature beams.
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Imitation Ultraman Dyna

Imitation Ultraman Dyna or False Ultraman Dyna is the form Gregorl Man took to impersonate and defeat Monsarger II as Flash Type. While fighting the real Dyna, he uses Miracle Type in order to differ himself from the real one only that his version of Miracle Type has a bit of yellow accents.

Imitation Dyna Flash Type

Imitation Dyna Flash Type
  • Main Article : Imitation Dyna Flash Type
    • Height : 55 m
    • Weight : 47,000 t
    • Birthplace : R2 district
  • Powers and Abilities:
    • Solgent Ray : The similar attack to his counterpart.
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Imitation Dyna Miracle Type

Imitation Dyna Miracle Type
  • Main Article : Imitation Dyna Miracle Type
    • Height : 55 m
    • Weight : 47,000 t
    • Birthplace : R2 district
  • Powers and Abilities
    • Increased Speed and Stamina : False Ultraman Dyna has overall greater stamina and speed than Ultraman Dyna.
    • False Dyna Finger Bullet : False Ultraman Dyna can fire finger bullets that are at the same power level as Dyna's finger bullets.
    • False Solgent Ray : False Ultraman Dyna can fire A pink colored version of Dyna's Solgent Ray that is twice as powerful.(However in Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3 is a complete dark color)
    • Dimensional Portal: Gregorl-Man can summon a pro-wrestling ring formed by four swords, camera saucer and Monsarger II.
    • Multi Air-Kick : False Ultraman Dyna can kick an opponent multiple times while in the air.
    • Energy Barrier : Just like Ultraman Dyna; False Ultraman Dyna can create an energy barrier.
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Ter​ranoid Dyna

Ter​ranoid Dyna
  • Main Article : Ter​ranoid Dyna
    • Height : 55 m
    • Weight : 43, 000 t
    • Origin : TPC Mars Base
    • Age : Newborn
    • Time limit : Presumed 3 minutes or when running out of energy
  • Features:
    • Crystal : The crystal on Terranoid's forehead is similar to Ultraman Dyna's, it is unknown if it can be used in a similar way.
    • Eyes : Being created based on Dyna, it is possible he possessed natural night vision.
    • Protectors : The yellow bands on his upper body, they are indestructible pieces of armor, the sturdiest portions of his anatomy.
    • Gauntlet : Terranoid seems to possess a pair of yellow gauntlets on his arms.
    • Knee pad : Terranoid seems to possess a pair of yellow knee pads on his legs.
    • Ultra Armor : Terranoid's skin can withstand high heat environments and low temperatures. It is does not show scratches and is resistant to fire and beams.
  • Abilities:
    • Terranoid Solgent Ray : Terranoid can fire a red (blue in glitch) Solgent Ray at the same power level as that of Ultraman Dyna's original Solgent Ray. However, he holds his hands in a L shape instead of the + shape.
    • Terranoid Beam Slicer : Terranoid can fire light bullets at the same power level as that of Ultraman Dyna. However, he uses a fist while performing the attack.

Dyna Sparkdoll

Dyna Sparkdoll
  • Dyna Sparkdoll
    • These have been confirmed Ultraman Dyna have been in the Dark Spark War or seen in Dark Lugiel's hideout. Spark Dolls are the transformed bodies of Ultras, monsters and Aliens from various universes. Some time prior to the series, a multiversal war named the Dark Spark War raged between the side of good and the side of evil side.

      Ultraman Dyna Fusion Card

      Ultraman Dyna Fusion Card
        Ultraman Dyna Fusion Card<
        • Ultraman Dyna Fusion Cards are a series of cards that allow Ultraman Orb to change forms based on the two cards he uses in his Orb Ring. When not in use, he stores them in his Ultra Fusion Card Holder.

      Ultraman Dyna Cyber Card

      Ultraman Dyna Cyber Card
        Ultraman Dyna Cyber Card
        • Ultraman Dyna Cyber Cards are cards manufactured by XIO in Ultraman X. Daichi Ozora frequently uses them for Ultraman X to gain power/armor from various Kaiju, Seijin and Ultras. Created by the lab team in Xio's Research and Development section, the Cyber Cards contain Cyber Kaiju.
      Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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