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Publication Information

  • Ultra : Ultraman Tiga
    • Origin : Ancient Civiliant Ultra
    • Age : Over 30 Millions Years Old
  • Height :
    • Micro : 53 m
    • Glitter Tiga : 120 m
    • Tsubasa Madoka Version : 20 m
  • Weight :
    • Micro : 44,000 t
    • Glitter Tiga : 100,000 t
    • Tsubasa Madoka Version : 17,000 t
  • Time Limit : 3~5 minutes (It is implied in the Gaiden that the time limit is based on the individual/host and/or their will power.
  • Body Features :
    • Tiga Crystal : The crystal on Tiga's forehead, it is required for Tiga's type changes. It is also used to manipulate light energy for various other techniques.
    • Tiga Eyes : Tiga possesses natural night vision as he can see just as clearly in the dark as he can in bright light.
    • Protectors : The yellow bands on his upper body, they are indestructible pieces of armor, the sturdiest portions of his anatomy. They are also used to perform the Tiga Slicer implying they can charge and manipulate energy.
    • Tiga Ultra Armor : Tiga's skin can withstand high heat environments and low temperatures. It is does not show scratches and is resistant to fire and beams.
    • Arms : While Tiga's techniques mostly require energy be emitted from his arms, they are also excellent for defense. His bare hands can catch energy bullets and he once caught energy bullets from Zoiger and Enomena and threw them back. These same properties make them excellent for defense because Tiga can block energy blasts with his bare hands.
Standard Abilities:
  • Powers and techniques Tiga can use in all of his forms.
    • Hand Slash : An energy blast fired from his hand. Just a standard energy blast, performed by cupping one hand to his side, and using the other to toss the energy, like a disc, or a slash from his head.
    • Ultra Growth : Tiga can change his size at will with his maximum height being from 53 meters
    • Tiga Teleporting : Tiga is able to teleport anything he wants to anyplace he wants. This move uses an amount of energy depending on what he teleports and where.
    • Tiga Barrier : Tiga can create a powerful barrier with his both palms extended outward. This can stop any energy based attacks.
    • Tiga Pitfall : Tiga can quickly gather energy into his right fist and blast it at the ground underneath foes, creating a pit that his enemies will fall into exploding only seconds later. However, this reverts any Type back to Multi Type.
    • Extraordinary Jumper : Tiga can leap to great heights and distances.
    • Type Change : Tiga can switch between any of his three other Type: Power, Sky and Multi
    • Size Change : Tiga can become human sized even after Daigo transforms into Tiga. Revealed in Episode 13.



Spark Lens

Spark Lens Dark Spark Lens
  • Spark Lens : Daigo Madoka raises the Spark Lens to the sky and activates it. When gripped tightly the Spark Lens wing like "appendages" then unfold and light shines from it transforming Daigo into Tiga.
  • Dark Spark Lens : Appeared only in the movie. The Dark Spark Lens is a dark version of its light counterpart. As Tiga was originally a dark Ultra, it stands to reason that this may have been the original form of the Spark Lens.
  • Ginga Sparks : By placing Tiga's Spark Doll on the Ginga Light Spark, a user can Ultralive into Ultraman Tiga. Ginga Light Sparks are lesser copies of the Ginga Spark. Its dark counterpart are the Dark Dummy Sparks.


Multi Type Tiga

Multi Type Tiga
  • Multi Type Tiga
    • Flight speed : Mach 5
    • Running speed : Mach 1.5
    • Punching Power :
    • Kicking Power :
    • Senses :
    • Underwater speed : Mach 1.5
    • Burrowing speed : Mach 1.5
    • Jumping distance : 800 m
    • Grip Strength : 50,000 t
    • Finisher :
  • Multi Type is Tiga's default form, which has equal parts of strength and mobility. Despite the fact that Tiga is a physical fighter, this is where his energy manipulation abilities were best demonstrated. It is designed for melee combat despite his psychic abilities. In the 4kids dub, it is known as "Omni Mode". Its body colors are silver, red, and purple.
  • Timer Flash : A flash of light from his Color Timer that erases illusions.
  • Ultra Fix : Tiga can fire a beam from his palm that will hold an enemy in place; it freezes them movement wise.
  • Cell Change Beam One : Charged the same way as the Zepellion Ray, Tiga emits a ray from both hands that calms the monster.
  • Cell Change Beam Two : Tiga can generate a sphere using the crystal on his forehead that changes a monster into a normal creature. However, it is not one hundred percent effective and it uses a lot of energy.
  • Ultra Psychic : After touching the stone on his forehead, Tiga can emit a beam from his middle and index finger to levitate objects and telekinetically control them as they are surrounded by a green aura.
  • Crystal Power : Raising his hands to beside his forehead crystal and then to his side Tiga can fire a beam from the crystal on his forehead to recharge another Ultra. Used to save Ultraman Dyna from Queen Monera.
  • Forehead Prison : Tiga can emit this beam by first placing his index fingers in his forehead, and then extending his fingers to release the beam. This encases the foe in an orb.
  • Tiga Catch : Tiga can catch an energy blast and cup it into an energy ball. Usually, Tiga throws back the energy ball to the opponent.
  • Zepellion Ray : Ultraman Tiga's signature move in Multi type, used as a finishing skill against most monsters. It is charged using the arms and then fired off as a white, incinerating laser. It is twice as powerful as Dyna's Solgent Ray. It can destroy monsters in one blow.
    • TD Bomber : While using Dyna's New Solgent Ray, it creates a beam which can destroy any gigantic monsters such as Queen Monera.
  • Special Timer Flash : Tiga unleashes intense light from his Color Timer. First used on Abolbas and then the monster Bakugon. In UFE3, it's revealed that this move is more powerful than Zepellion Ray.
  • Specium Ray : Tiga can fire his own version of the Specium Ray. Due to the nature of events, it is unknown if this is canon. Used in New Century Ultraman Legend. It is silver like the original Ultraman's.
    • Specium Multi Ray : Tiga can fire the Specium Ray using the same stance as Ultraman. However, he fires it in the form of multiple energy blasts.
  • Tiga Slicer : An energy wave that can cut through things like the Ultra Slash. Tiga performs it by placing his arms on his shoulders, then quickly thrusting them forward along with the Cutter Beam.
  • Hand Shooter : A beam from both hands shot forward. Used twice while flying. Used to cut off Magnia's beam attack on the GUTS mecha in episode 22.
  • Physical:
    • Ultra Head Butt : A self explanatory technique.
    • Tiga Multi Punch : A technique of Multiple punches dished out at close quarters, the purpose of this technique is to determine the opponent's weakness.
    • Tiga Multi Kick : A variation of the Ultra Kick, can be a roundhouse kick, straight kick, high kick, double kick etc.
    • Tiga Multi Chop : A series of chops, the purpose of this technique is to break through the opponent's touch skin, but it has never been used successfully.
    • Tiga Tornado : Tiga spins at high speeds to repel attacks. Used on the Alien Raybeak solders.
    • Slap Shot : Tiga jumps towards the enemy and his energized hand cut through the enemy via a chop. Used to save Rena from Deshmonia.
    • Ultra Brain Chop : Similar to the Slap Shot but with a normal chop, it is none the less very powerful as it wounds can be fatal. Used on Evil Tiga.
    • Ultra Jumping Knee Drop : A flying knee strike.
    • Ultra Cross Barrier : Tiga crosses his arms, somehow able to stop enemy beams.
    • Ultra Singled Outtakes : A technique for catching a sword between one's hand. Used against Sakuna Oni.
    • Ultra Whipper : A throwing technique that has the enemy raised over Tiga's shoulders.
      • Ultra Leg Whip : A throw technique using the opponent's leg.
    • Ultra Power : A technique to summon great strength. Used to throw Kyrieloid II into the air.
    • Ultra Heat Hag : Tiga can charge his entire body with energy to heat himself up to staggering degrees. He then grabs hold on his enemy, causing them to explode.
    • Ultra Light-Knuckle : Tiga can charge his fists with energy for a more effective attack.
    • Flushing Attack : A super-charged dash in which Tiga charges himself with energy and tackles his foe. Can destroy monsters in one hit.

    Power Type Tiga

    Power Type Tiga
    • Power Type Tiga
      • Flight speed : Mach 3
      • Running speed : Mach 1
      • Punching Power :
      • Kicking Power :
      • Senses :
      • Underwater speed : Mach 1
      • Burrowing speed : Mach 1
      • Jumping distance : 500 m
      • Grip Strength : 70,000 t
      • Finisher :
    • Power Type Tiga becomes more red in coloration. This form is called upon when Tiga wishes to exert more physical power, but the cost is speed and agility. It is designed for high power and combat in high pressure environments. In the 4kids dub, it is also known as "Power Mode". He got his power from Darramb's power. Its body colors are red and silver.
    • Super Strength : In Power Type, Tiga's body boasts incredible brute strength, being able to pick up and toss monsters with little difficulty. His endurance is also increased.
    • Miracle Balloon Beam : Tiga's hands come together at his chest, cupped, to create a huge bubble, and then hurls it with both hands still cupped at his foe. This move can encase monsters in a huge bubble. It can also change a monster that was once an animal into the creature it was before mutation.
    • Energy Pulse : In Power Type, Tiga can send energy pulses throughout his body to shock anything that has latched on to him.
    • Tiga Hold Light Wave : Tiga can create strings of energy, going from one finger to the other. His fists then come together to release the waves at his opponent. These waves, when used, can stop a monster from trying to disappear. It can also be used to catch enemy fire and return it back as well as reversing a teleportation.
    • Huge Makeover : Used when captured in the Raybeak Leader's shrinking ray gun. With circular motions of his arms, Tiga can change his size. He became large with enough force to shatter the gun.
    • Delacium Light Stream : Power Type's finishing move. Tiga can gathers heat energy by spreading his arms apart, coming together at his chest as he holds the energy in a ball form. He then tosses the gathered energy as a beam from his right hand while his left is balled up into a fist. It can destroy monsters in one blow.
    • Zepellion Ray : In this mode, Tiga is able to fire a red version of the Zepellion Ray. Used when Tiga couldn't afford to change types.
    • Tiga Head Crusher : Tiga can grab the opponent, holding it upside down and then with all his might slams them head first into the ground. This can leave the opponent trapped with their head in the ground.
    • Tiga-Punch Blitz : Straight punch using unleashed stored up energy. There is an explosive discharge on impact.
      • Tiga-Kick Blitz : A powerful kick charged with energy, upon impact the energy is discharged into the target.
      • Dropped Tiga Power Heel : An axe kick from 500 meters after a jump. The technique requires the foot be held high.
      • Tiga Power Punch : Instead of using the gathered energy to perform the Delacium Light Stream, Tiga can absorb the energy into his body, this is performed to charge up for a powerful punch that dishes out all power of the body concentrated into the arms.
      • Ultra Power Chop : A chop using stored up energy.
      • Ultra Back Breaker : A bear hug that breaks the enemy's spine. Used on Fire Golza.
      • Ultra Lifter : A skill for lifting and throwing heavy opponents, used on Gakuma.
      • Ultra Whipper : A skill to throw the opponent a great distance.
      • Ultra Swing : A skill where the enemy is swung around and thrown using their legs and/or tail.
      • Tiga Holder : When Tiga crosses his arms, he can easily hold enemy's physical attacks
      • Ultra Spin Attack : Tiga runs towards his opponent and somersaults forward landing on them they brought down with the head caught between his legs. Only used once in episode 22.
    • Tiga Burning Dash : The Power Type version of the Flushing Attack. An airborne ramming technique where the right arm is clenched outward. Can destroy monsters in one hit.
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    Sky Type Tiga

    Sky Type Tiga
    • Sky Type Tiga
      • Flight Speed : Mach 7
      • Running speed :
      • Traveling Speed : Mach 2
      • Punching Power :
      • Kicking Power :
      • Senses :
      • Underwater peed : Mach 1
      • Burrowing Speed : Mach 1
      • Jumping Distance : 1000 ms
      • Grip Strength : 30,000 t
    • Sky Type is Tiga's indigo form where he trades much of his strength for great speed and agility making him much faster than any of his other modes. It is lavender in coloration theme. It is designed for high speed melee combat and aerial combat. In the 4kids dub, it is known as "Speed Mode". He gets his speed from Hudra's power. Its body colors are silver and purple.
    • Super Speed : In Sky Type, Tiga's body boasts incredible super speed, being able to get out and run from any tight situation with little difficulty. Tiga lso can combine his attacks with the form' speed.
    • Healing Ability : Like any Ultra Tiga bleeds light not blood making easier for him to recover, but in Sky type any injury, even those prior to using that form will be healed in thirty seconds.
    • Tiga Freezer : By putting his hands together in a similar fashion to the Ranbalt Light Bomb, Tiga fires a beam above his foes which explodes into a thick mist that freezes the target completely.
    • Flash Bomber : Tiga can cross his hands and place them forward releasing a powerful energy stream, its strength is unknown as it was only ever used to counter enemy attacks.
    • Ranbalt Light Bomb : Sky Type's finishing move. Tiga can unleash a powerful blue energy arrow by spreading his arms upward to gather power, then coming together at his left side, his left hand cupped, and his right hand open over it. Tiga then tosses the gathered energy at his foes with his right hand. It can destroy monsters in one blow.
    • Zepellion Ray : Never used, but in theory, just like Tiga Power Type, Tiga Sky Type also can fire his own version of Zepellion Ray.
    • Tiga Machine Gun Punch : Tiga can hit his opponent ten times in one second.
    • Ultra Body attack : When flying Tiga can use his body as battering ram at high speeds without ill effect on himself, his fists are charged with energy. Used against the first Gazoto to bring it down.
    • Tiga Sky Kick : A jump kick designed to take down airborne enemies, it flies upward instead of down. Used to down Melba.
    • Tiga Sky Chop : A powerful chop dished out using timing and speed, can be used continuously
    • Ultra Drop Heel : A kick technique using rotation to add power, used on Kyrieloid.
    • Ultra Leg Whip : A throwing technique using the opponent's legs and/or feet.
    • Ultra Whipper : A throwing technique similar to Ultraseven's Flying Mare.
    • Tiga Sky Dash : The sky type version of the Flushing Attack. An airborne ramming technique where the left arm is extended outward. Tiga can hit his opponent using his own body without fear of damage. Used to down Alien Regulan.
    • Sky Thunder Dash : When faced with multiple enemies in episode 38, Tiga moved at incredible speeds more so than any known Ultra while continuously attacking. Unfortunately his opponents were illusions.

    Glitter Type Tiga

    Glitter Type Tiga
    • Glitter Type Tiga
      • Flight Speed : Mach 10
      • Running Speed : Mach 5
      • Punching Power :
      • Kicking Power :
      • Senses :
      • Underwater Speed : Mach 5
      • Burrowing Speed : Mach 5
      • Jumping Distance : 1,500 M
      • Grip Strength : 100,000 t
    • Glitter Tiga is Tiga's Final Form. This form achieved when humans or any other beings (e.i. Giants of Light) give their inner Light of Hope to Tiga.
    • Glitter Zepellion Ray : Tiga's "L" Style finisher. It is an upgraded version of his Multi Form finisher. Very powerful.
    • Color Timer Flash : Tiga can fire a rainbow-colored beam from his Color Timer. It is an upgraded version of his Multi Type's finisher. This attack is very strong, as it can defeat Gatanothor in one hit.
    • Glitter Bomber : Tiga gathers energy into his Color Timer and can fire energy beams from his hands. This is powerful enough to knock monsters like Gatanothor off the ground, and possibly even destroy them.
    • Glitter Vanisher : Tiga gathers energy into his Color Timer and can fire energy beams from his feet. This is powerful enough to knock monsters like Gatanothor off the ground, and possibly even destroy them.
    Glitter Ring Shield Tiga

    Glitter Ring Shield Tiga
    • Glitter Ring Shield Tiga
      • A yellow shield that covers Tiga and gives the appearance that he has turned yellow. This will give Tiga a strong immune from most of enemies' attacks. Was only used when Tiga merged remaining energy from the Giants Of Light, but appears briefly on this form's first activation
      • Glitter Spark : When Tiga crosses his arms and opens them, he can release the power of the Glitter Ring Shield as a powerful intense light from his entire body. It was used to destroy Demonzoa from the inside.
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    Dark Type Tiga

    Dark Type Tiga
    • Main Article : Tiga Dark Type
      • Flight Speed : Mach 2.5
      • Traveling Speed : 900 km per hour
      • Running Speed :
      • Punching Power :
      • Kicking Power :
      • Senses :
      • Underwater Speed : 900 km per hour
      • Burrowing Speed : 800 km per hour
      • Jumping Distance : 400 m
      • Grip Strength : 30,000 t
      • Appeareance : The Final Odyssey, Ultraman Ginga
    • Tiga Dark was Tiga’s original form in ancient times, where it was colored Black and Gun-Metal grey. He abandoned this form when he turned to the light. Millennia later however when the Dark Giants awakened again, Camearra gave Daigo the Dark Spark Lens and he was reborn once more. Due to Daigo's lack of an evil heart, he could not demonstrate the full power of this form, being only able to use about half of this form's true potential. The form was introduced during a vision induced by Camearra, Daigo first appeared as Multi-Type Tiga but was quickly turned into Tiga's dark form. It appeared in Ultraman Ginga after his spark doll was Dark Lived by Dark Lugiel.
    • Attack Absorption : If Tiga Dark is hit with dark light energy, he can convert it into pure light energy, and rid himself of some of the darkness inside him, which was how he became Tiga Tornado.
    • Power of Darkness : It has been stated by Kamilla that Tiga wielded a greater power of darkness than any of the other Dark Giant, even Kamilla herself, implying that Daigo never used his full potential as Tiga, aside from Glitter mode. During their fight Darramb said that Daigo was only using half of his true power, though he may have been comparing Tiga Dark to Tiga Multi type. The original Tiga was also able to steal the abilities of his fellow Dark Giants.
    • Dark Zepellion Ray : Although not seen, it is believed that Tiga Dark could fire the dark Zepellion Ray at equivalent power level to Multi Type's.
    • Hand Slash (Name Unknown) : Tiga Dark fired a black light bullet similar to the Multi Type's Hand Slash. Used in Ultraman Ginga.
    • Dark Vision (Name Unknown) : Tiga can fire a dark energy from his eyes, to make another being become a giant. Used in Ultraman Ginga on Alien Valky.
    • Dark Whipper : The same as the Ultra Whipper.
    • Dark Mayer : The same as the Flying Mare.
    • Dark Swim : Tiga could swim at 900 km per hr in the Dark Water dimension despite the great pressures.
    • Dark Power : While inferior, it allowed for Daigo to keep up with Darramb.
    • Dark Punch : A quick counter punch.
    • Dark Kick : A powerful straight kick, is able to strike with super speed and stun the enemy
    Sayuxs Sentai Discovery

    Tornado Type Tiga

    Tornado Type Tiga
    • Tornado Type Tiga
      • Flight Speed : Mach 3
      • Running Speed : 800 km per hour
      • Punching Power :
      • Kicking Power :
      • Senses :
      • Underwater Speed : Mach 1
      • Burrowing Speed : 900 km per hour
      • Jump Power : 400 m
      • Grip Strength : 60,000 t
    • Moments after absorbing Darramb’s Fire Magnum, Tiga Dark became Tiga Tornado. Moments later, Tiga charged and fired the Delacium Light Stream, firing into Darramb’s chest and killing him instantly. As Tiga left the Dark Water, Hudra attacked him and after a vicious struggle, Iruma detonated a huge cache of explosives, blowing both heroes out of Hudra’s dimension. Hudra tried to blast Tiga with the Hugust, but Tiga Tornado absorbed it to become Tiga Blast.
    • Super Strength : Due to absorbing Darramb's power, Tiga Tornado has the same power as Power Type.
    • Attack Absorption : If Tiga Tornado is hit with dark light energy, he can convert it into pure light energy, and rid himself of some of the darkness inside him, which was how he became Tiga Blast.
    • Delacium Light Stream : Tiga Tornado had the same signature finisher at Tiga Power Type, where Tiga gathers heat energy by spreading his arms apart, coming together at his chest as he holds the energy in a ball form. He then tosses the gathered energy as an energy ball from his right hand while his left is balled up into a fist.
    • Hand Slash : A standard technique of Tiga, where he fires an energy blast from his hand
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    Blast Type Tiga

    Blast Type Tiga
    • Blast Type Tiga
      • Flight Speed : Mach 7
      • Running Speed : Mach 1.5
      • Punching Power :
      • Kicking Power :
      • Senses :
      • Underwater Speed : 800 km per hour
      • Burrowing Speed : Mach 1
      • Jumping Distance : 900 m
      • Grip Strength : 25,000 t
    • After absorbing Hudra’s Hugust, Tiga Tornado became Tiga Blast and fired the Ranbalt Light Bomb, killing the second giant.
    • After absorbing Hudra’s Hugust, Tiga Tornado became Tiga Blast and fired the Ranbalt Light Bomb, killing the second giant. Soon, Tiga Blast confronted the last Dark Giant, Camearra herself and the fight began. While Camearra gained the upper hand, Rena soon arrived to back up Tiga. But as Camearra tried to kill her with her energy whip, Tiga jumped in front, absorbing the energy to fully purify himself of the Darkness, which was how he became Ultraman Tiga once more.
    • Attack Absorption : If Tiga Blast is hit with dark light energy, he can convert it into pure light energy, and rid himself of some of the darkness inside him, which was how he became Ultraman Tiga.
    • Ranbalt Light Bomb : Tiga Blast had the same signature finisher at Tiga Sky Type, where Tiga unleashes a powerful blue energy arrow by spreading his arms upward to gather power, then coming together at his left side, his left hand cupped, and his right hand open over it. Tiga then tosses the gathered energy at his foes with his right hand.
    • Super Speed : Due to absorbing Hudra's power, Tiga Blast has the same power as Sky Type
    • Blast Kick : Same as the Tiga Sky Kick.
    • Blast Chop : Same as the Tiga Sky Chop.
    Sayuxs Sentai Discovery

    Legendry Ultra Device:

    Spark Doll Tiga

    Spark Doll Tiga Dark Tiga
    • Main Article : Spark Doll Tiga
      • Ultraman Tiga became a Spark Doll in the conclusion of the Dark Spark War due to the Darkness Spark's powers. His Spark Doll was kept in Dark Lugiel's collection, and was Dark Lived into Tiga Dark to stop Ginga. After his defeat, Tiga Dark reverted back to his normal form and has been kept by Hikaru.
    Ultraman Tiga Cyber Cards

    Ultraman Tiga Cyber Cards
    • Ultraman Tiga Cyber Cards
    • Cyber Ultraman Tiga Cards are manufactured by XIO in Ultraman X. Daichi Ozora frequently uses them for Ultraman X to gain power/armor from various Kaiju, Seijin and Ultras. Created by the lab team in Xio's Research and Development section, the Cyber Cards contain Cyber Kaiju.
    Ultraman Tiga Ultra Fusion Cards

    Ultraman Tiga Ultra Fusion Cards Ultraman Tiga Ultra Fusion Cards Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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