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Mind Stone

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Lazada Philippines

Mind Stone, also known as the Gem, is one of the six Infinity Stones.

The Avengers

The Mind Stone was originally housed in the Chitauri Scepter given to Loki to aid in his invasion of Earth. Placed within the sceptre, the stone granted its wielder the power to enslave others' minds. When Loki was defeated by the Avengers, the sceptre was taken into the custody of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Avengers : Age of Ultron Prelude - This Scepter'd Isle

To Be Added

Captain America : The Winter Soldier

Sleeper HYDRA agents smuggled the sceptre into Sokovia, where Wolfgang von Strucker began using it to experiment with human enhancement. However, only two subjects survived the process, Pietro, and Wanda Maximoff.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Mind Stone is seen with the others Infinity Stones when Taneleer Tivan revealed the history of the Infinity Stones to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Avengers : Age of Ultron

After capturing the sceptre from Strucker in a raid with his fellow Avengers, Tony Stark analyzed it and determined that it contained an advanced AI, which could be used to bring about his vision of a global peacekeeping program called Ultron. However, Ultron was an immediate failure, and the AI stole the sceptre away again. Thor subjected himself to a vision which clarified that the sceptre contained the Mind Stone, one of six Infinity Stones.

Captain America : Civil War

Vision expresses to Wanda he has no idea what the gem is, only that it powered Chitauri Scepter, gave The Twins their abilities, and life to himself. He expresses that he wants to learn more about it so that in time he can control it instead of it controlling him.

Avengers : Infinity War

In Scotland, Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive ambush Wanda Maximoff and Vision. Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson rescue them, and take shelter with James Rhodes at the new Avengers facility. Vision offers to sacrifice himself by having Maximoff destroy the Mind Stone in his forehead to keep Thanos from retrieving it. Rogers suggests they travel to Wakanda, which he believes has the resources to remove the stone without destroying Vision. Eventually after collecting all other Infinity Stones, Thanos arrives on earth and retrieves the Mind Stone, destroying Vision.

Avengers 4

To Be Added

  • When the Mind Stone was inside the Chitauri Scepter, the stone could control another person mind. The user places the blade tip against the person’s heart and the Mind Stone produces a blue, like energy which is transferred into the person’s body where it then spreads up to their head, notably affecting their eyes, turning them a fluorescent blue color.
  • People put under the scepter's control will often regain their individuality after receiving a significant blow to the head, as a temporary loss of consciousness will allow their normal mental state to "reset" and return.
  • In some situations, the effects of the mind control can be canceled out if the energy from the scepter is unable to diffuse into the target's body, such as when Tony Stark's Arc Reactor block the energy instead.
  • While the stone was in HYDRA's possession, Wolfgang von Strucker commented that the scientists studying it had only just scratched the surface, implying that the stone's capabilities are more diverse than originally perceived, two more powers were seen, as it could grant sentience to Ultron with the codes it possessed and Vision when placed in his forehead, as well as granting powers to humans like Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.
See Also: Related Post : Source : wikipedia / marvel-movies.wikia
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