Publication Information
- Arrow : Arrow Suits
- Version : Arrowverse
- Type : Protective Suit
- Owner :
- Oliver Queen : First and second
- Various Of League Assassins members
- Affiliation : Team Arrow
- Appeareance : Arrow

The Arrow suits were a series of protective suits designed and created by Talia al Ghul and later upgraded by Lodai. It was later upgraded again by Cisco Ramon to be utilized by Oliver Queen as The Hood/The Arrow.
Original suit
During his time in Russia in 2012, Oliver Queen was presented with a kevlar-lined suit by Talia al Ghul, along with Yao Fei Gulong's old hood. Using this, he decided to become "something else". When he returned to Starling City, he brought the suit with him. Oliver originally used dark green grease paint to help protect his identity, but when he met Barry Allen, he was given a mask that would help better conceal his identity and not impair his vision while aiming.
When Team Flash briefly visited Team Arrow in Starling City, Cisco Ramon designed a new suit for Oliver, making it out of a polymer Kevlar weave; it was also 25% lighter and could carry 15% more gear. He continued to wear this suit throughout his career as the Arrow.
Confiscation and destruction
The suit was later confiscated by the police and destroyed. The suit later appeared in a hallucination when Oliver was abducted by the Dominators. The suit was worn by John Diggle. It was similar to the one Oliver wore but it had the holster from the Green Arrow suit.
- Identity concealment : Oliver used a green mask to conceal his identity and to keep his friends and family safe from harm.
- Kevlar : The suit was lined with Kevlar to prevent gunshots wounds to the user.
- Polymer Kevlar weave : The suit's lining with polymer Kevlar weave to prevent gunshots wounds to the user. It was also upgraded to be 25% lighter and allow the user to carry 15% more gear.
- Quiver : Oliver had a green quiver to carry his arrows with him.
- GPS tracker : Oliver had built a GPS tracker into his boot so his teammates could find him.
- Oliver Queen : First and second
- John Diggle : Temporarily
- Thea Queen : Temporarily
- Roy Harper : Temporarily
- Various Of League Assassins members

Green Arrow Suit

Publication Information
- Arrow : Green Arrow Suit
- Version : Arrow
- Type : Protective Suit
- Creator :
- Cisco Ramon : First suit; presumed second
- Waverider : Third suit
- Owners : Oliver Queen
- User :
- Oliver Queen
- John Diggle : Formerly
- Affiliation : Team Arrow
- Appeareance : Arrow
First suit
After Oliver's previous suit was taken by the police and destroyed, Cisco Ramon opted to create a new one for him. This suit was similar to his old one, but was more advanced and had a lighter green color scheme, and, unlike the previous suit, this one doesn't have any sleeves. However, Oliver retired from vigilantism before he could be presented with it, and it sat in the team's base of operations for several months.
After Oliver returned to Star City to help take down the "ghosts," he eventually chose to take back up vigilantism, but instead as a symbol of hope and inspiration unlike previously as The Arrow, this time as the Green Arrow, donning the new suit to do so. Malcolm Merlyn borrowed the suit from Oliver when he participated in the rescue mission of Oliver, Thea Queen, Felicity Smoak and John Diggle from Damien Darhk's headquarters. He wore it instead of his League uniform so that Darhk wouldn't discover Oliver's identity.
Second suit
Sometime after the disbandment of Team Arrow, Oliver made upgrades to the suit, with it being the same design and color but he added sleeves onto it, possibly because of Flashpoint. After the Dominators kidnapped Oliver, the status of the suit remained unknown. However, after Oliver escaped, he got himself a new, similar suit in the fabrication room of the Waverider.
Possible future suit
In the year 2046, Oliver wore the suit again to fight against Grant Wilson, but this suit had only one sleeve added to it and the other was replaced by Oliver's robotic arm.
- Identity concealment : The primary use for the suit is to conceal Oliver's identity in order to prevent enemies from knowing his true identity while still being able to operate as a vigilante.
- High-density kevlar armor : The suit is composed of a kevlar-based material with a leather appearance. It's durability is first shown to be dense enough to take one of Jeremy Tell's projectile cards to the chest, albeit the cards did manage the penetrate the suit's armor, though not enough to injure Oliver. The armor was later upgraded, now being able to protect Oliver from gunfire at point-blank range, as well as from impacts that would otherwise be severe and possibly fatal. He is also shown to have been barely affected by getting hit by his own arrows and pulling them out of his body. In a possible future, the suit's seems to be able to withstand gunfire from point-blank range and allows the user to recover even faster than before.
- Equipment holsters : Lining the suit's shoulders straps are several miniature canisters that all contain different agents for numerous situations. The only canisters shown so far are one that contains an aerosol agent that can freeze explosives, one that emits a short-range flashbang, and one that receives messages from The Bunker while on stealth missions.
- Quiver : The back of the suit holds on an enhanced version of quiver from the Arrow suit. Like the past iterations, this quiver can be detached from the suit and be used separately with no restrictions. However unlike past iterations, the quiver is used with two shoulder straps than rather just one across the torso. It seems to be composed of a metallic substance and can hold several more arrows than before, though the exact maximum is unknown.
- Wrist computer : After the disbandment of Team Arrow, several minor upgrades were made to the Green Arrow suit. One upgrade in particular is a computer screen located on the left wrist. The computer seems to be connected to the Arrowcave computers, as it was able to retrieve GPS tracking signals from Overwatch and seems to be used by Green Arrow as a form of guidance while on the streets.
- Tether : Located underneath the quiver is a tether than can extend and hook onto other objects, which is useful when carrying cargo or others while in the air. Green Arrow used the quiver to hook onto a subway driver and Artemis, saving them from a subway crash with a parachute arrow.
- Kevlar sleeves : Oliver added kevlar sleeves to prevent being cut or sliced on his arms like what happened eleven months ago.

Green Monster

Publication Information
- Arrow : Green Monster
- Version : Arrow
- Type : Weapon
- Creator :
- Owner : John Diggle
- User : John Diggle
- Affiliation : Team Arrow
- Appeareance : Arrow
- Diggle had used this device when he needed a bow due to his lack of advanced archery training. Unknown to the team, it was also to compensate for his tremors in his arm ever since the destruction of Lian Yu. He used it until Curtis's implant stopped working, upon which he presumably temporarily retired the device.


Publication Information
- Arrow : Flechette
- Version : Arrow
- Type : Weapons
- Creator :
- Lodai/li>
- Oliver Queen
- Owner :
- User :
- Affiliation : Team Arrow
- Appeareance : Arrow
Known types of flechettes
- Tranquilizer flechette : This type of flechette acts as a tranquilizer. When applied to the neck of a target, it causes the target to faint and become unconscious for 36 minutes. Used in several episodes, including John Diggle in "Darkness on the Edge of Town".
- Smoke flechette : This type has a device that releases a strong puff of smoke after exploding. Used in "Identity" to distract and escape the police. Oliver also used this flechette to get away from the police when he was fighting Bronze Tiger.
- Immediate nerve sever : This flechette is used to block the nerve. Oliver used this to stop the Dodger from hitting the button and blowing off Felicity's head off.

Black Canary Suits

Publication Information
- Arrow : Black Canary Suits
- Version : Arrow
- Type : Protective Suit
- Creator : Laurel Lance
- Owner :
- User :
- Affiliation : Team Arrow
- Appeareance : Arrow
The suit includes; a jacket that is zipped up to her neck with long sleeves, covering her entire arms, a turtleneck bodysuit that is made of lace and fishnet material underneath the jacket, leather pants, a garter-like belt and leg holsters, thigh high boots, as well as, fingerless gloves, also made of fishnet material. The pattern close to the shoulders on Laurel's jacket is almost identical to that on Sara's jacket. Laurel also wears a black mask to hide her identity, however it appears to be different from the one worn by Sara. She initially wears the bleach blonde wig too but she later abandons it.
Later, the suit is equipped with a Canary Cry device on a collar, made by Cisco Ramon, that specifically grants Laurel a sonic scream. Evelyn Sharp, who idolized the Black Canary, stole and later donned the suit after Laurel's death. She was somehow able to modify the Canary Cry device so she can use it as well, and she also upgraded it to produce stronger sonic waves. Evelyn wears a black mask too, thought it appears to be different from that of Laurel's. Her wig also seems to be a darker shade of blonde than the bleach blonde wig Sara and Laurel used.
- Identity concealment : Laurel Lance and Evelyn Sharp used a black mask to conceal their identities and to potentially keep their family safe from harm.
- Sonic scream : After Cisco Ramon created the Canary Cry device, Laurel could scream via the use of a collar, to not only distract her enemies but also as a weapon too. The device was further upgraded by Evelyn Sharp during her brief resurgence as the new Black Canary.
- Kevlar : The suit is lined with kevlar to prevent gunshot wounds to the user.
- Laurel Lance / Black Canary
- Evelyn Sharp / Black Canary : Formerly

Canary Cry

Publication Information
- Arrow : Canary Cry
- Version : Arrow
- Type : Sonic Device
- Creator : Cisco Ramon
- Owner :
- Laurel Lance
- Evelyn Sharp : Formerly
- User :
- Laurel Lance
- Evelyn Sharp
- Affiliation : Team Arrow
- Appeareance : Arrow
After Laurel's death, the Canary Cry was stolen by an orphaned teenager named Evelyn Sharp, who modified it so that she would be able to use it and so that it would produce deadlier sonic waves. Evelyn also began dressing up as Black Canary and using the device to help her in attempting kill anyone affiliated with H.I.V.E. in order to avenge her parents. After Green Arrow talked her out of killing Ruvé Adams Evelyn dropped the Black Canary moniker and stopped using the Canary Cry. However, it's not clear if she's still in possession of it.
Weapon specifications
- Sonic scream : Like the Sonic device, the user can utilize the cry to generate a sonic wave. Laurel attaches it onto her neck to produce a high frequency. The wave has proved to be potent enough to shatter glass and powerful enough to blast an adult male several feet through the air. It appears to be activated by the wearer's shriek.
- Main Article : The Canary Suits