Publication Information
- Arrow : Carbon Fiber Longbow
- Multivere : Earth-1
- Version : Arrowverse
- Type : Bow
- Creator :
- Talia al Ghul : Second bow
- Felicity Smoak : Third and fourth bow
- Member of the League of Assasins : Fifth bow
- Waverider : Sixth bow
- Unknown : Seventh bow
- Yao Fei Gulong : First bow
- Owner :
- Yao Fei Gulong : First bow
- Oliver Queen
- Formerly Talia al Ghul : Second bow
- Dominators : Fourth bow
- Connor Hawke : Future bow
- User :
- Oliver Queen : All bows
- Second bow
- John Diggle : Second and fourth bow
- Damien Darhk : Fourth bow
- Connor Hawke : Future bow
- Yao Fei Gulong : First bow
- Shado : First bow
- Season : Arrow
Carbon fiber longbow
The first of Oliver's bows, a longbow, was originally Yao Fei Gulong's, and he used it frequently during his time on Lian Yu, as a way of hunting, surviving and attacking, and also as a way for him to hunt and provide food for himself and for Oliver. After Yao Fei's capture and Shado's rescue, the bow was then brought to Oliver, so he could assist in Yao Fei's rescue.
First recurve bow
During his time in Russia, Oliver was given a new, recurve bow by Talia al Ghul. It featured standard recurve limbs and a riser that had a metal enclosure for the hand. This likely was for increased damage when hitting targets with his bow hand. Its length was short for a man of his size. Oliver began using the bow after he returned to Starling City. He used this bow to great effect, but it met its end when it was destroyed by Malcolm Merlyn.
First Oneida Kestrel compound bow
After his previous bow was destroyed, Felicity Smoak had a bow custom-made for him, an Oneida Kestrel compound bow. It featured lever-style limbs, meaning it used compound cams to store energy from bending the power limbs, but transferred this power to the arrow using the recurved outboard limbs. The resulting bow made for a great-looking weapon as well as a very functional one in a small 43" size. When Oliver first handled the bow, he remarked it to be perfect.
Second Oneida Kestrel compound bow
Following their defeat of Slade Wilson's army, the Arrow began using a newer bow, which uncurled to its full length when needed, but was otherwise "curled" into a smaller size. The bow itself was still an Oneida Kestrel compound, but with extra modifications. Following Oliver's apparent demise at the hands of Ra's al Ghul, John Diggle began suiting up as the Arrow and using the bow.
Martin Saber Take-Down recurve bow
After he had given in to Ra's al Ghul, Oliver traveled to Nanda Parbat and became Al Sah-him. Oliver was then given an all-black, Martin Saber Takedown Recurve Bow, which had more power and efficiency than his previous bows. Oliver started using the bow after he "embraced" the identity of "Al Sah-him". However, after he returned to Star City and started using the identity of the "Green Arrow", Oliver began using his previous bow again.
Third Oneida Kestrel compound bow
Oliver's sixth bow looks and works exactly like his fourth bow. He got the bow from the Fabrication room of the Waverider after he was kidnapped by the Dominators. In 2046, in a possible future, Oliver used the bow to take down Grant Wilson. After that, he gave the bow to Connor Hawke.
Second recurve bow
At some point after Adrian Chase's demise in May 2017, Oliver began using a new silver Hoyt Formula Faktor HP recurve bow with black limbs. It's unknown what materials it is made out of.

League of Assassins' bows

Publication Information
- Arrow : League of Assassins Bows
- Multivere : Earth One
- Version : Arrow Series
- Type : Bow
- Creator : League of Assassins
- Owner : League of Assassins
- User : League of Assassins
- Season : Arrow
PSE Chaos AD Compound bow
Members of the League of Assassins, commonly utilizes black PSE Chaos AD Compound bows, they are presumably the league's signature bows.
PSE X-Force Super Short Short Draw LF Compound bow
Malcolm Merlyn utilizes a silver PSE X-Force Super Short Short Draw LF Compound bow, he presumably obtained this bow, when he was still a member of the League of Assassins.
Takedown Recurve bow
Most members of the League of Assassins rarely utilizes Takedown Recurve bows, when Oliver Queen joined league, becoming known as "Al Sah-him", he was given an all-black, Martin Saber Takedown Recurve bow.

- Main Articles : Quiver
- Quiver is a container for holding arrows, bolts, or darts. It can be carried on an archer's body, the bow, or the ground, depending on the type of shooting and the archer's personal preference. Quivers were traditionally made of leather, wood, furs, and other natural materials, but are now often made of metal or plastic.


- Main Articles : Sword
- Sword is a bladed weapon used in swordsmanship. The sword is a flexible melee weapon primarily for cutting or thrusting. The precise definition of the term varies with the historical epoch or the geographical region under consideration.

Demon's Head ring

Publication Information
- Arrow : Demon's Head ring
- Multivere : Earth One
- Version : Arrow Series
- Type : Ring
- Usage : To symbolize the individual's position as the leader of the League of Assassins
- Owner :
- Season : Arrow

Eskrima sticks

- Eskrima sticks
- Oliver frequently utilize Eskrima sticks as training and sparring weapons.


Publication Information
- Arrow : Crossbow
- Version : Arrowverse
- Type : Bow
- Usage : Weapons
- Owners :
- Appeareance : Arrow

Lian Yu Herbs

Publication Information
- Arrow : Lian Yu Herbs
- Version : Arrowverse
- Type : Herbs
- Usage : Antidote / Medicine
- Owners : Oliver Queen
- Appeareance : Arrow
- Oliver Queen
- John Diggle
- Slade Wilson
- Yao Fei Gulong

Arrow Black Masked

- Arrow Black Masked
- A hard black fabric mask that Oliver uses to hide his identity when breaking John Diggle out of prison. He also wears it in Russia and so does the rest of the team. He then wears it when breaking Adrian Chase out of prison.
- Users : Arrow

Kryptonite Arrow

- Kryptonite Arrow
- Oliver possesses arrows with tips made out of Green Kryptonite on the chance that an evil Supergirl would show up. It is possible during his first encounter with Supergirl, he learnt of her weakness and found Kryptonite from Krypton’s presumed explosion in the Earth One universe. However, it's unknown whether or not Superman and Kara escaped Krypton's destruction in Earth One's universe, or if they even exist in that universe at all.
- Users : Arrow

Green Arrow Masked

- Green Arrow Masked
- Oliver wears a mask to hide his identity from his enemies. His mask is a dark green in color to match his hood and suit. It is made from a compressible micro-fabric. This lets Oliver effectively conceal his identity with no restrictions on his visual field while on the run or aiming arrows.
Oliver Queen's Cybernetic Arm

- Oliver Queen's Cybernetic Arm
- At some point in the potential future of 2046, Oliver Queen used a cybernetic arm after Grant Wilson cut off his left arm. The cybernetic arm gave Oliver great strength, dexterity and speed, allowing him to fight as efficiently as with his original arm.
- Creators : H.I.V.E.
- Owners : Malcolm Merlyn
- Users : Malcolm Merlyn
- Function : Malcolm Merlyn's left hand
After the Legion of Doom used the Spear of Destiny to alter reality, they also used the Spear to give Malcolm his left hand back. Because of that, the cybernetic hand has no use. It's unknown what they did with it. However, after the Legends undo what the Legion had done, Malcolm's left hand was never returned to him, and he still uses his cybernetic hand. After Malcolm was killed by a land mine, the cybernetic hand is now presumably destroyed.

League of Assassins' bows
- Creator : League of Assassins
- Owners : League of Assassins
- Users :
- Function : Bows
PSE Chaos AD Compound bow
Members of the League of Assassins, commonly utilizes black PSE Chaos AD Compound bows, they are presumably the league's signature bows.
PSE X-Force Super Short Short Draw LF Compound bow
Malcolm Merlyn utilizes a silver PSE X-Force Super Short Short Draw LF Compound bow, he presumably obtained this bow, when he was still a member of the League of Assassins.
Takedown Recurve bow
Most members of the League of Assassins rarely utilizes Takedown Recurve bows, when Oliver Queen joined league, becoming known as "Al Sah-him", he was given an all-black, Martin Saber Takedown Recurve bow.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / arrow.wikia