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Chaos Header

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Chaos Header is the head of the Chaos Organism. During his conflict with Earth and Ultraman Cosmos, the entity eventually took on physical manifestations to attack the Earth directly. It was eventually redeemed and returned to space.


Chaos Organism

Chaos Organism
  • Chaos Organism
    • Chaos Header's physical projections, they are described as a light emitting space virus able to assimilate with monsters. The symptoms of a monster infected with the Chaos Virus are, red eyes, altered body parts with bits of 'junk' and a seeming increase in aggression. All the later forms of Chaos Header have these powers, they can transform into a cloud of these or generate a cluster to infect others.
  • Powers and Abilities:
    • Chaos Light Bullet : Chaos Header can fire energy blasts.
    • Light Rope : Chaos Header can create a construct to tie up and immobilize targets.
    • Infection : Chaos Header can infect monsters and even people with its parts, those infected are under its thrall. They can even do this on computers or technology.
    • Absorption : Chaos Header can absorb bio energy from a being and/or have their bio-data memorized.
    • Materialization : With enough Bio-Data memorized, Chaos Header can create a Chaos version clone of the target.
    • Worm Hole : Chaos Header can create a wormhole to send assistance to its Chaos Clones and victims.
    • Avatar Creation : Chaos Header can create avatars of himself to battle Cosmos, as seen creating Chaos Header Iblis, Mebut, and Darkness. During this he would recuire either negative human emotions or sacrifices such as Eligal.

Chaos Header Iblis

Chaos Header Iblis
  • Chaos Header Iblis
    • Height : 66m
    • Weight : 61,000t
  • The first manifested form of the Chaos Header Entity, Chaos Header Iblis was the result of the Chaos Header becoming interested in human emotions, particularly hatred.
Powers and Abilities:
  • Chaos Light Bullet : Chaos Header Iblis can fire missile-strength blasts of energy from his eyes, hands and mouth.
  • Wave Bullet : When attacked, Chaos Header Iblis an create a telekinetic field that resembles disturbed space called the Wave Bullet which can absorbs attacks and used be as a projectile. If an enemy is engulfed in the field they will be at the mercy of the Chaos Header's telekinesis until they break free or are released.
  • Claws : Chaos Header Iblis' Claws can cut Cosmos' skin, pierce his barrier and if he latches on he could drain Cosmos' knowledge. They can also fire beams.
  • Chaos Infect : Chaos Header Iblis is capable of infecting and controlling human beings.

Chaos Header Mebut

Chaos Header Mebut
  • Chaos Header Mebut
    • Height : 69 m
    • Weight : 67,000 t
  • This was the result of the Chaos Header evolving. Chaos Header Mebut first appeared after setting a trap for Cosmos posing as a monster to get him to waste his energy.
Powers and Abilities:
  • Chaos Light Bullet : Chaos Header Mebut can fire missile-strength blasts of energy from his eyes and hands.
  • Wave Bullet : Mebut's is stronger and larger than Iblis.

Chaos Darkness

Chaos Darkness
  • Chaos Darkness
    • Height : 70m
    • Weight : 76,000t
  • First appearing on the Moon after Chaos Ultraman's final defeat, Chaos Darkness was the true face and might of the Chaos Organism, comprised of all the Chaos Organism particles that rested in outer parts of the solar system. This form was born of the Chaos Header's hatred for Ultraman Cosmos for his constant interfering in its goals and destroying portions of its being. Statistics
Powers and Abilities:
  • Chaos Light Bullet : Chaos Darkness can unleash energy blasts from his hands. Each one can cause large explosions, covering several city blocks with fire as they tear through structures with little impunity.
    • Dark Destroyer : Chaos Darkness can charge up and fire a massive energy ball from his hands. This attack has tremendous force behind it, pushing back whatever it hits hundreds of yards. It even shattered Cosmos' Golden Barrier
    • Crimson Break : Chaos Darkness can unleash red Energy Blasts from his hands. First used on the moon, and shot into the ground creating a large fissure.
  • Wave Bullet : Chaos Darkness has superb telekinetic abilities, allowing him to lift up enemies with his mind and throw them around as if they were rag dolls. This form of his is has a purple hue to it.
  • Barrier : When needed Chaos Darkness can put up a purple energy barrier that protects him from attacks.
  • Chaos Organisms : Chaos Darkness is the true face of the Chaos Organisms, the Chaos Headers, Chaos Monsters and Chaos Ultraman were all just his projections.
  • Durability : Chaos Darkness could withstand the Prominence wave, though he was still pushed, and was even resistant to the Luna End, although he was eventually purified. Also, Chaos Darkness was able to survive Chaos Chimera missiles, the missile that holds the fiend's main weakness.
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Chaos Header 0

Chaos Header 0
  • Chaos Header 0
    • Chaos Header 0 appears at the end of Ultraman Cosmos and makes a cameo in Ultraman Saga. It is the intelligence of the Chaos Organisms purified after they had taken on the form of Chaos Darkness.
  • Powers and Abilities:
    • Chaos Cloud : Chaos Header 0 can reduce himself into a cloud of yellow Chaos Organisms.

Chaos Neo

Chaos Darkness also appeared as playable character in Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth. He appeared in episode 13 and is an unlockable character. His final form, "Neo Chaos Darkness II" gained after fuses with Mefilas and cannot be unlocked. He only appears as the final boss of the game as of he was revived by Alien Mefilas in an effort to take over the Earth.

Neo Chaos Darkness

Neo Chaos Darkness
  • Main Article : Neo Chaos Darkness
    • Wings : The wings on his back changes from a bird-like wing (see Chaos Darkness) into the ones that resembles a torn bat or a demon.
    • Darkness Strike : Neo Chaos Darkness can stab opponents using his claw then bring them to the sky before dropping the enemies to the ground.
    • Darkness Vaporize : Neo Chaos Darkness can fire a massive energy shot from his mouth. It can vaporize even the strongest of enemies.
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Neo Chaos Darkness II

Neo Chaos Darkness II
  • Main Article : Neo Chaos Darkness II
    • Eternal Darkness Forever : Neo Chaos Darkness II can swallow enemies, putting them into the Neo Chaos Darkness II body that traps them in eternal darkness inside his body.
    • Size Change : Neo Chaos Darkness II can change his size from 55 meters to 100 meters (Higher than any Ultras).
    • City Possession : Neo Chaos Darkness II can possess a normal city to make the city into Chaos Destruction.
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Infected Forms

Here's are the forms used by Chaos Organisms when infecting or cloning a victim. The symptoms of a monster infected with the Chaos Virus are most of the time, red eyes, altered body parts with bits of 'junk' and a seeming increase in aggression. All the later forms of Chaos Header have these powers, they can transform into a cloud of these or generate a cluster to infect others.

Transformed / Possessed Only Once

Chaos Lidorias

Chaos Lidorias
  • Main Article : Chaos Lidorias
    • Height : 50 m
    • Weight : 60,000 t
  • Chaos Lidorias is a transformed state of Lidoras after she was infected by Chaos Organism. Statistics
Powers & Weapons:
  • Flight : Like her original form, Chaos Lidorias is capable of flight thanks to her retractable wings
  • Energy Stream : Chaos Lidorias can fire a light blue beam of energy from her beak, slightly stronger than her original beam.
  • Claws : In place of Lidorias's hands are whip-like claws.
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Chaos Bug

Chaos Bug
  • Main Article : Chaos Bug
    • Height : 53 m
    • Weight : 5,170,00 t
  • Chaos Bug is a transformed state of normal fireflies after infected by the Chaos Organisms
Powers & Weapons:
  • Swarm : Chaos Bug is made up of carnivorous fireflies, allowing it to separate and reform at will. While broken down Chaos Bug can consume large amounts of metal with a heat source and has a high resistance to electricity.
  • Antennae Energy Beams : Chaos Bug can fire blue energy beams from it's antennae that can cause small explosions.
  • Entrapper Stream : Chaos Bug can emit a blue stream of energy from it's left hand that can entrap small objects.
  • Chaos Absorber : Chaos Bug can absorb beams like Ultraman Cosmos's Luna Extract. and redirect it through his eyes using large amounts of chaos energy in it's abdomen.
    • Luna Extract : Using this abilities, Chaos Bug can fire Ultraman Cosmos's Luna Extract through his eyes. However, this is more of a damaging move than a calming move.
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Chaos Jelga

Chaos Jelga
  • Main Article : Chaos Lidorias
    • Height : 42 m
    • Weight : 66, 000 t
  • Chaos Jelga is the transformed state of Jelga after it was infected by Chaos Organism.
Powers & Weapons:
  • Back Suction : Jelga can suck enemies towards him with his back.
  • Electrical Resistance : Jelga has a high resistance to electricity.
  • Twin Tentacles : Jelga has a pair of tentacles in his back ideal for coiling.
  • Energy Bullets : Jelga can launch orange balls of highly explosive radiation from his back.
    • Energy Beam : A beam variant can be fired from the mouth.

Chaos Jirak

Chaos Jirak
  • Main Article : Chaos Jirak
    • Height : 64 m
    • Weight : 56,000 t
  • Chaos Jirak is the transformed state of Jirak after it was infected by Chaos Organism.
Powers & Weapons:
  • Heat Ray : Chaos Jirak can fire orange heat beam from its mouth.
  • Energy Swords : Chaos Jirak can launch energy swords from its mouth. However, they are very easy to shatter.
  • Absorb : Chaos Jirak can absorb its own attacks if they are channeled back at it.
  • Electric Energy Whip : Chaos Jirak can create a pink energy whip from its left hand that can lift a like of Ultraman Cosmos with ease and produce electric shocks.

Chaos Clevergon

Chaos Clevergon
  • Main Article : Chaos Clevergon
    • Height : 48 m
    • Weight : 72, 000 t
  • Chaos Clevergon is the form created when Chaos Header assimilated Clevergon.
Powers & Weapons:
  • Size Change : Once Chaos Header finally took over him 100%, he can grow into it's giant size.
  • Forehead Beam : Chaos Clevergon can emit a powerful blue beam of energy from his forehead.
  • Pincer Claw : Chaos Clevergon is equipped with a massive pincer claw for its right hand. He can use this claw to choke enemies and uses it to pick up cars and place them inside his storage chest.
  • Storage Chest : In order to maintain it's giant size, Chaos Clevergon will have to consume cars by storing them on it's chest (which originally a television screen, now changed into a car compactor) for digestion.

Chaos Taildas

Chaos Taildas
  • Main Article : Chaos Taildas
    • Height : 52 m
    • Tail length : 30 m
    • Weight : 66, 000 tons
  • Chaos Taildas is the form created when Chaos Header assimilated Taildas.
Powers & Weapons:
  • Tail : Chaos Taildas can use his tail to bash enemies.
  • Extrodinary Jumper : He can jump thousands of feet in the air.

Chaos Delgoran

Chaos Delgoran
  • Main Article : Chaos Delgoran
    • Height : 64 m
    • Weight : 66, 000 tons
  • Chaos Delgoran is the form created when Chaos Header assimilated Delgoran.
Powers & Weapons:
  • Flight : Chaos Delgoran can fly in a high speed.
  • Energy Blast : Chaos Delgoran can fire an orange missile strength energy blast.
  • Teleport : In order to evade the Team EYES's TECCH Booster, Chaos Delgoran can teleport to it's desired destination.
  • Hands : Given that Chaos Header has the ability to alter any monster anatomies, Chaos Delgoran grows a pair of human hands.
  • 360 Degree Spin : Chaos Delgoran can perform a fast anticlockwise spin matching a tornado.
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Chaos Mazalgas

Chaos Mazalgas
  • Main Article : Chaos Mazalgas
    • Height : 60 m
    • Weight : 75,000 t
  • Chaos Mazalgas is Mazalgas' infected form.
Powers & Weapons:
  • Energy Beam : Chaos Mazalgascan fire a missile-strength energy blast.
  • Tail : Mazalgas can use his tail for bashing enemies.

Chaos Dolba

Chaos Dolba
  • Main Article : Chaos Dolba
    • Height : 59 m
    • Weight : 64, 000 tons
  • Chaos Dolba is Dolba's infected form.
Powers & Weapons:
  • Burrowing : Dolba can burrow at moderate speeds.
  • Fireballs : Dolba can fire missile strength fireballs in a rapid succession.
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Chaos Golmede

Chaos Golmede
  • Main Article : Chaos Golmede
    • Height: 54 m
    • Weight : 69,000 t
    • Origin : Shallows black hills
  • Power and Abilities:
    • Energy Beam : Chaos Golmede can fire a energy beam from his mouth.
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Chaos Ultra

Chaos Ultraman/Chaos Ultraman Calamity was a dark clone of Ultraman Cosmos that was summoned with the hero after Musashi was infected by Chaos Organisms. This vile warrior of evil was capable of matching the guardian’s moves, able to fight back unlike that of any other agent of Chaos and he outlasted the guardian, surviving as Ultraman Cosmos ran out of energy.

Chaos Ultraman

Chaos Ultraman
  • Main Article : Chaos Ultraman
    • Height : 47 m
    • Weight : 42,000 t
    • Flight Speed : Mach 7
    • Running Speed : Mach 2
    • Origin : P87 point
    • Activity time : Unlimited
  • Techniques:
    • Calamity Shot : Due to him being a copy of Ultraman Cosmos Eclipse mode, he is able to fire a Dark version of Cosmium Beam.
    • Calamity Blade : Chaos Ultraman's version of the Eclipse Blade
    • Supreme Chaos Beam : An even stronger form of the normal Chaos Beam and also Chaos Ultraman Calamity’s primary and strongest attack, he can unleash a devastating chaos beam, capable of delivering massive amounts of damage to whatever it hits.
    • Breaking Smash : A more powerful form of the Chaos Ligt Bullets, this one can be charged up and fired in succession. Chaos Ultraman's version of the Eclipse Spark.
    • Chaos Dark Barrier: An equal to Ultraman Cosmos’ Golden Light Barrier, he can use this to block attacks or send it forward, weakening whatever it hits.
    • Energy Deflect : When needed, Chaos Ultraman Calamity can deflect energy blasts with his hands.
    • Chaos Cloud : Chaos Ultraman can reduce himself into a cloud of Chaos Organisms. This can also be used for sneak attacks.
    • Darkness Wheel : Chaos Ultraman can use blasts made of it's body to infect others with Chaos Organism as well as wear down force fields.
    • Speed : Chaos Ultraman can move at incredible speed for brief period of time like Cosmos, for example, numerous back flips at blinding speeds like a large buzzsaw.
    • Energy Blast :
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Chaos Ultraman Calamity

Chaos Ultraman Calamity
  • Main Article : Chaos Ultraman Calamity
    • Height : 47 m
    • Weight : 42,000 t
    • Flight Speed : Mach 7
    • Running Speed : Mach 2
    • Origin : P87 point
    • Activity time : Unlimited
  • Techniques:
    • Calamity Shot : Due to him being a copy of Ultraman Cosmos Eclipse mode, he is able to fire a Dark version of Cosmium Beam.
    • Calamity Blade : Chaos Ultraman's version of the Eclipse Blade
    • Supreme Chaos Beam : An even stronger form of the normal Chaos Beam and also Chaos Ultraman Calamity’s primary and strongest attack, he can unleash a devastating chaos beam, capable of delivering massive amounts of damage to whatever it hits.
    • Breaking Smash : A more powerful form of the Chaos Ligt Bullets, this one can be charged up and fired in succession. Chaos Ultraman's version of the Eclipse Spark.
    • Chaos Dark Barrier : An equal to Ultraman Cosmos’ Golden Light Barrier, he can use this to block attacks or send it forward, weakening whatever it hits.
    • Energy Deflect : When needed, Chaos Ultraman Calamity can deflect energy blasts with his hands.
    • Chaos Cloud : Chaos Ultraman can reduce himself into a cloud of Chaos Organisms. This can also be used for sneak attacks.
    • Darkness Wheel : Chaos Ultraman can use blasts made of it's body to infect others with Chaos Organism as well as wear down force fields.
    • Speed : Chaos Ultraman can move at incredible speed for brief period of time like Cosmos, for example, numerous back flips at blinding speeds like a large buzzsaw.
    • Energy Blast :
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The Chaosroids created by Alien Mefilas using Chaos Header in Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth The Chaosroids are the copies of three Ultra Brothers. They are based on Ultraman, Ultraseven and Ultraman Taro and were created to wreak havoc on the Land of Light so Mefilas could conquer it.

Chaosroid S

Chaosroid S
  • Main Article : Ultraseven (Character/Chaosroid S)
  • Chaosroid S is the Chaosroid that is modeled after Ultraseven's appearance and abilities. History When Alien Mephilas had sent 3 Chaosroids in an attempt to destroy the Land of Light. One of the members was the evil clone of Ultraseven known as "Chaosroid S." Chaosroid S stole the Ultra Key from the Ultra Tower, but before he could destroy Planet Ultra, Ultraseven arrived and challenged the evil clone.
  • As Chaosroid S gain the upper hand, he charges the Ultra Key while preparing to blow Seven away. Seven absorbed the sun energy and battles Chaosroid S for the second time and fires the Emerium Beam on the clone while gaining the upper hand on it. He died after Ultraseven destroy him with his Wide Shot while regaining back the Ultra Key.
  • Chaos Wide Shot : Chaosroid S can a fire a weaker and red colored version of Ultraseven's Wide Shot.
  • Chaos Emerium Beam : Chaosroid S can fire a darker and more powerful version of the Emerium Ray that is purple in color.
  • Face Slugger : Like Ultraseven's Eye Slugger, Chaosroid S can launch his Face Sluggers from his head as a weapon. It can be duplicated and if lost a new one can be conjured in its place
  • Ultra Key : Stolen from the Ultra Tower, It's power can destroy a planet with one shot.
  • Psychic Power : Chaosroid possesses powerful psychic abilities that can levitate Ultras such as Ultraseven.

Chaosroid T

Chaosroid T
  • Main Article : Ultraman Taro (Character/Chaosroid T)
  • Chaosroid T is the Chaosroid that is modeled after Ultraman Taro's appearance and abilities. History Alien Mefilas had sent 3 Chaosroids in an attempt to destroy the Land of Light. One of the members was the evil clone of Taro. He stole the Ultra Bell from the Ultra Tower. Ultraman Taro arrived and challenged the evil clone.
  • As Taro about to perform Storium Ray, Chaosroid T use the Ultra Bell to knock him down. With Chaosroid T firing his Chaos Storium Beam, Taro regains his strength and evades it with his shield. Taro use the Ultra Spear to impale the clone. He died after Taro use the Ultra Dynamite attack while regaining back the Ultra Bell.
  • Chaos Storium Beam : Chaosroid T can fire an alternate version of the Storium Ray that is purple color.
  • Chaos Dynamite : Like Ultraman Taro's Ultra Dynamite, Chaosroid T can use a dark version of the Ultra Dynamite that is purple in color.
  • Energy Arrows : Chaosroid T can fire explosive energy arrows from the sides of his head exactly like Ultraman Taro's Energy Arrows.
  • Ultra Bell : Stolen from the Ultra Tower. It can make a deafening noise to anyone who hears it.

Chaosroid U

Chaosroid U
  • Main Article : Ultraman (Character/Chaosroid U)
    • Height : 50 Meters
    • Weight : 45 000 Tons
    • Chaosroid U is the Chaosroid that is modeled after Ultraman's appearance and abilities. History Alien Mephilas had sent 3 Chaosroids in an attempt to destroy the Land of Light. One of the members was the evil clone of Ultraman. Attacking the Plasma Spark Tower, Ultraman arrived in time to stop his evil doppelganger from stealing it. However, the evil clone was too strong and Ultraman was defeated.
    • As Ultraman was just about to die in front of the Plasma Spark, it donates it's energy to Ultraman when the Light of Planet Ultra acted and empowered Ultraman who then destroyed Chaosroid U with the Giga Specium Ray. Unlike the other Chaosroids, U did not gain a weapon due to the fact that he is naturally the strongest in terms of brawn.
    • Chaos High Spin : The dark version of Ultraman's high spin but purple in color.
    • Chaos Slash : A larger version of Ultraman's Ultra Slash that is purple in color. It is formed from Chaosroid U's entire right arm and will return to his arm if it does not hit its intended target. In Ultraman Ginga, the Chaos Slash is simply a purple version of Ultraman's Ultra-Slash.
    • Chaos Specium Ray : A dark version of Ultraman's Giga Specium Ray.
    • Slash Ray : Chaosroid U can fire Ultraman's Slash Ray and it does not seem to be any different than the original.
    • Strength : Chaosroid U most likely possesses Ultraman's ability to mentally augment his strength.
    Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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